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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Guess who's going to own a house without a mortgage... Me, that's who.
  2. I witnessed a rape, called 911. The perp tried to run and the cops got him. Detectives had a lot of questions for me and I answered every one. They took a fresh statement from me a year later, but I wasn't called to court because the perp copped a plea.
  3. That's only part of it. I'll be moving into a house that I own instead of rent... with no mortgage. Next stop after Gotlund, Akihabara. Actually, I have my own reasons for Gotlund. There's another landmark that isn't advertised.
  4. I tried riding a broom, but I'm not a witch.
  5. Well.. good for you. Money that's fast, easy and fun doesn't last.
  6. I could take that trip to Gotlund I've been contemplating for a number of years. Money isn't the object, it's the time.
  7. It's also leading to a retirement that won't require a part time job at Family Dollar.
  8. This baby covers two acres of non slip linoleum in three hours. Scrubba dubba dubb those floors.
  9. Not so fast, Little Slugger. For you, it would be adult alternative education.
  10. Sandstone[/member]: I'm not receiving any benefits, but I get annual reports from Social Security. Another thing that seems to come into play is the number of "work credits" one has attained over the years. Was that part of your process?
  11. It's 2017 and you see Chun King products on the shelves.
  12. Toy makers won't produce or sell that anymore because a few people got offended by the Confederate flag. They probably still have the casts for it, so why not just paint a cupcake on the roof and call it the Sarah Lee?
  13. That's right. When somebody is old enough to sign legal contracts, sign lease agreements, be tried as an adult in court, get drafted, etc. , why isn't that person old enough to smoke, drink or watch porn? Especially porn... at age eighteen, they are not old enough to buy the very same porn that they starred in?
  14. Yup. A a deliberately self inflicted disability is one way to get the job done.
  15. Most of them start real early. Like, be a fourteen year old pregnant girl. If you're older and have already been working for a long time, get a smart lawyer and a willing doctor together and feign a disability. Look up the guy who pretends to an eight month old baby and then cook up a similar angle to his.
  16. How? It just looks like an early impressionist painting. No no definable objects in it. Don't you understand sarcasm?
  17. Could you make the picture just a little bit more fuzzy, blurry and pixelated?
  18. It looks more like Corporal Schultz.
  19. Then, Florida and Nevada should agree to deport him.
  20. It's common knowledge.
  21. Yeah... that's way back when cars were the real thing. You can't dent it by leaning on it.
  22. Bat's Toe.
  23. Why would you bother stealing something that loses 95% of its value as soon as you open the packaging?
  24. That doesn't make sense. Does he get some kind of special pass just because of his celebrity? Parolees are supposed to reside in the state and county of their conviction until the parole term is finished.
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