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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Step four is more complicated. There would have to be a multitude of similar violations involving more than one employee over time. The case gets taken to court for breach of contract.
  2. I hadn't been made aware of it until Cancer brought it up.
  3. That's the contract. Violations of contract get handled as follows: Step one: Affected parties must confer with management to resolve the matter with a shop steward present. Step two: If the matter is not resolved in conference, it is to be referred to grievance. Step three: If the matter is not resolved in grievance, it may be referred to arbitration at the business agent's discretion.
  4. Making mac and cheese. Never use the powder pouch. Melt genuine cheese.
  5. Read the union contract. It's on line. "Seniority shall govern choice of station"
  6. You really don't know how seniority works in a union house. The job is broken down into many "bid positions". Each bid position consists of a very specific set of tasks. We have several for restroom detail, we have some for certain sections of the gaming floor and so on. Employees bid for positions in order of seniority twice per year. I bid for a position that does not include mops. My job is, lift, haul and dump. When you want any wiping, dusting, polishing or mopping done, call the person responsible for that particular bid position. It also makes sense from a management standpoint because when a supervisor sees a thing that needs attention, they know who is responsible AND, they can more readily find out who is working and who is ignoring his work.
  7. I don't use mops or enter the closets. Seniority has its benefits.
  8. Water in janitor closets is not considered to be potable. It's mop water.
  9. How should I even know? That's not my football.
  10. Shish kapossum Make it so...
  11. Congratulations on getting out of the shelters.
  12. Too many pop up visits from code enforcement?
  13. Okay so, when you go into the basement of a structure that has wood floors, you can look up and see the joists and subflooring, provided that they are not covered by drywall, correct?
  14. I can't answer that. You'll have to take it up with management.
  15. Okay... So, when you go into the basement of a structure that has wood floors, you could look up and see the joists and subflooring, provided they are not covered by drywall, is that correct?
  16. I showed you the pictures. Floors four inches thick, not the eight or ten required for wood floors. Must be concrete.
  17. They fill up with diesel at Union 76.
  18. Somebody says, "Oh, they're finally knocking down that decrepit, old building." And you think, "I remember when they were putting up that nice, new building."
  19. It's any aircraft aboard which the president is.
  20. It's not nearly as bad as Washington D.C.
  21. I have ufo's in my kitchen. Unidentified frozen objects.
  22. Or a Rite Aid.
  23. Maybe you'll reach a barber shop this time.
  24. Call who? The Margate Animal Hospital?
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