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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. Concrete sounds like a good idea, too. To get more info on the trap, I'm about to show this pic to a plumber.
  2. It has potential to counter the crime rates.
  3. https://www.businessinsider.com/black-guns-matter-maj-toure-second-amendment-2020-6
  4. There's a slot for every coin.
  5. You pay for it again and again, even when you don't have the time to use it. Not like a hotel room that you only pay for at the time of use.
  6. Well, this one is cast iron. See the metalic rust?
  7. Does it pooh4u?
  8. Wait until it hits that fan over there.
  9. I often see guys pumping old cooking grease out of them. Maybe it's a sort of trap to prevent the grease from congealing in the pipes.
  10. Still obsessed with a headshot, I see.
  11. Said CNN, long before the hack took place. Himt: It's not the first hit on Google because the order was signed on January 20, 2021.
  12. Wrong pipeline, dipshit.
  13. I have no idea why they are still made of cast iron. PVC won't rust and disintegrate, so, it won't have to be dug up and replaced every five years.
  14. You just killed this thread
  15. We're not talking about anyone in the boards.
  16. Yeah... Well, just thank all the big decision makers that it really isn't quite as simple as just Heaven or Hell. The possibilities are infinite.
  17. Ironically, AJ had been accused on air by another caller of being a pissed off white guy who pretends to be black.
  18. And who signs them for the USA?
  19. Pot is also a name for marijuana.
  20. Who can sign executive orders around here?
  21. But you're the one claiming that an oil company would shut down a line, all of its own accord. Where's YOUR source?
  22. You don't have to buy a thing to read the price tag.
  23. Oil? It's hair, not a salad.
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