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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. "Sulu, Reverse course! Bridge to engineering, Scotty, give me maximum warp!" Scotty: "I'm an engineer, Captain, not a magician! You'll have to stop clogging the antimatter chamber with cigarette butts." ""Fair enough, Scotty. Spock, is that water pistol full of Osjerkis bowl cleaner ready?" Spock: "It's ready, Captain. With the phasers offline, it will have to suffice." "Fire at will." Uhura: "Will isn't here." *facepalm* "Fire on every arbitrary whim until that hunk of shit is out of sensor range!" Spock, "Acknowled, Captain. Initiating firing sequence."
  2. Or how a popular phrase that had once been used in a campaign speech by Bill Clinton has suddenly become a racist slur?
  3. Changing and rearraging an entire laguage every seven or eight months to fit and support an incorrect narrative can only change the minds of the stupid.
  4. You start puzzling over why the betting board on a roulette table would need psychedelic luminescence. Yup, that's what's going on, now and I'm happy not to be some poor pot smoker, trying to play the new style game board. "Dude, did I just bet on red or green... ?"
  5. Alright... Now, who is Alex Jones?
  6. When a thumb is suddenly defined as a dick, which "dickshunary" are you using on line? Why do you think I still keep a 1956 edition of Webster's in my stack of stuff?
  7. No, dining at Cap's Place.
  8. Exploration, information, confirmation... Explaination. That's how it all works.
  9. He has his own non profit organization.
  10. They're all over the place in those new online dictionaries. Words are manufactured and redefined almost hourly.
  11. It's just like the KW emblem. I expect people to explore, discover and think. If I spoon feed it to you, you won't get it.
  12. I doubt that any of his targets are non profit.
  13. Correct. The univerties can more easily afford it. They should pay their fair share, instead of perpetually beating up on some pensioner in a $40k row house.
  14. Stayed in one down in Florida. Over rated.
  15. That's already been done with several other "phobes". Is a person who won't eat mushrooms a fungiphobe, now? Your guess is as good as mine.
  16. I was born with a specific number of parts and pieces. Look at the thumb on my right hand, for instance. Unless there is an outrageous, life or death health reason to remove it, I will not pay or even ask to have that done. How would I grab my coffee or thumb type the phone without it?
  17. Good to know, thanks. So, concrete is the better material compared to pvc. You taught me something.
  18. Oh, you're geriphobe. Good to know.
  19. Currently, the universities there pay nothing. Let's make sure he gets the right city council slate, too.
  20. So, what are going to do when they stop paying your bills?
  21. Not for Atlantic City. Too bad I'm not a resident of his town, because he would have my vote if I were. At least I can donate to him. He wants to begin taxing the shit out of billions of dollars in university real estate and use the procedes to abolish property taxes for senior citizen home owners. Such policies as that are what would motivate my votes. Always look for novel ideas that could make a positive change.
  22. I did the Vax... I did the Johnson Vax... The covid vax... And now, the covid's smashed!
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