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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. There are some really good boomboxes with usb input.
  2. Wtf is wish.com? Best Buy has things like that and you're not buying somebody else's repair headaches.
  3. Nope. 2021 model and the CD drive is a USB add on. You can do that with Zip drives, too, but who wants to?
  4. ...Interviewed by Ken Hamblin
  5. That's what the stacks of CD's are for. Every CD will be stored as Mp3. That's a huge book case that won't clutter up my place anymore.
  6. If it's only charging fifty, it's probably a cop or man trap.
  7. No dial up, no WiFi... Just not at all accessing the web. Why? Because it's strictly for music storage and occasional music transfer to thumb drive. It will probably stay in pristine working condition for fifty years.
  8. Never go to one of those places when it doesn't have a fifty dollar cover charge.
  9. You want robots to stay looking like this?
  10. How many more centuries before someone figures out the artificial muscle?
  11. One of the better things I bought. Better than paying five bucks for cup of carrot juice at the food court.
  12. Well, if you sprinkle it with ground marijuana leaves, you could call it a pot roast.
  13. They already are... Right out of the box. Prepackaged garbage.
  14. Let me give you the worst coffee since the advent of instant decaf. Anything that comes out of a Keurig. That's right, I SAID it! Let somebody else pay almost forty dollars a pound for coffee that smells like mold and melted plastic.
  15. How are those disgusting things even related to potatoes? Too mushy, terrible color, smelly and a flavor like rotted pumpkin shell. Somebody calls that, "sweet"?
  16. You asked what kind and I told you what was reported. Can't get any more direct than that.
  17. That hadn't even crossed my mind.
  18. Didn't buy that Tesla yet?
  19. That is the answer. All the information that has been announced or written is there.
  20. The article had actually described it as "edible paper". David Markley broke the story on the radio and I Googled it.
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