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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. Tagging buildings. Tisk tisk. I could just hope that whoever did this manages to weedle his way into a legitimate art school. That way, he start generating some money for himself, illustrating for a freaky comic book series. This, instead of marking up other people's property for kicks. That little creature with the spatula shows potential.
  2. So, here's the pic, showing the back hoe. What did you expect to see, up there, on the roof... A fiddler, perhaps?
  3. It's called code enforcement or license and inspections. Yes, this town has that division, too, just like Chicago or Palo Alto.
  4. I don't have to cry about whatever comes out of a paper tiger.
  5. Charlotte is no more. It's now the World Wide Web. Leave the other spider webs alone.
  6. I'm about to brew another kava and wise crack this radio ghost mooing out of my Blaupunkt.
  7. The one you found on the web?
  8. Oh, okay and so now you go ahead and acuse the fire department official who at the time of its construction had to certify the building as such prior to allowing it to be advertised as such of cooking the books. You do realize, of course, that it had undergone numerous inspections and recerts over the many years prior to its closure to that particular purpose? There had been several different officials involved.
  9. The same way you and your codependents here do... With all the fire and brimstone of what an abomination I am.
  10. Too late, poser. That ship has sailed. Next...
  11. With nearly 2,000 people employed there and my long track record of being there, the scenario you paint should have had at least one person get all crazy with me by now.
  12. Nice try. Tear off the portion you can't dispute and then backpeddle with, "Herp derp! I only meant this crumb out of the whole pie."
  13. Oh, yeah... The smoke thing, again... I almost forgot about that. We have an outdoor area for smokers at work. Inside, you don't see me smoking and neither does anyone else. It's like all smoking workers are under cloak, or something. Now, how many times have I encountered a phone operator, a retail cashier, a bellhop... You name the character... who just sees me and interacts with me numerous times for months on end... And then their jaws hit the frinking floor when they finally step outside and SEE me smoking? "WHAT!? You ssssmmoke?" Utterly baffled and dumbfounded. Hunh? Like they didn't smell it on me? I lost count over the years I've been there. Maybe I should, instead, leave the all too important visual clue for use indoors, such as mybe leaving cigarettes in my shirt pocket rather than tucked away in my satchel. Maybe it would not be such a shocker to them. See, I normally walk around, smelling like whichever scented soap was on sale.
  14. So, supervisors and managers are not directing? How does any work get done?
  15. Because a building made of combustible material can't be called, "fireproof". But, I already covered that.
  16. Customers have questions, all of which I've heard a few hundred times, already. Co-workers have to communicate to coordinate efforts, supervisors and managers have to give directions. When I'm finished with all that, then I have neighbors, older pals, relatives, merchants, fb crowds, long distance friendships and don't forget every random so and so on the bus who gets bored and starts talking like he's already known me for five years.
  17. They know what to break away and what to leave alone. The building had been taller. The top floor is now the roof, temporarily.
  18. The construction crew says they are doing the job manually because implosion would put a neighboring building at risk.
  19. They can do much better at it if they actually knew wtf they were talking about.
  20. Cherry picking won't make accurate stats. You can make a fake stat that says all fruits are citrus, just by using only lemon and orange groves as your sampling. When it doesn't stand up to random sample testing, it's not real, nor is it "evidence" of anything worth knowing.
  21. So, why is it confined to the moors and alleys of message boards and never spilling over into my irl interactions with people face to face?
  22. The building is now being demolished to make way for a university related development. People are operating bulldozers and backhoes both inside the building and even way up on the roof. Yes, the building was indeed designed to be that sturdy. Look at the rubble. Look at the exposed beams at the top. Do You see any wood? I don't. I never expected to. I had been employed inside it. So, I know about the brick walls, both for support and for partition. I know that it had been named, "Eldridge Fireproof Warehouse". A building advertised as "fireproof" would never be constructed of combustible material such as wood. Yet, I had people on this board who had never known it by anything other than a picture of its facade who quite adamantly said that no building of such small size would ever be all concrete, brick and steel - that the floors, roof and partion walls were wood and that there are no exceptions. So, I guess all the guys who have to chip away at it with jackhammers, pick axes and bulldozers on the roof are all quite stupid and wrongheaded too. Like, why don't they just use a claw crane to rip it all down like any other wood building?
  23. When I see a gathering of people whose heads are for the most part interchangeable, I stop paying attention to monikers. I can get more diversity of thought and idea out of a clam boat crew out for beer than I'll ever find on this board. Your statements are always pat and quite consistent, no matter which of you decide to speak, with few exceptions. 1: "That's racist" 2: "You're an idiot" 3: "Oh, yeah!? Well, I just happen to have the perfect expert in my back pocket who says that..." 4: "You're wrong because statistics show that..." 5: Change the definitions of words to fit your narrative. 6: Turn an item as benign as a bread crumb into something sexual and then, call me a pervert. 7: Link me to some crackpot with seven blog followers, call him the expert and say I'm wrong. 8: Carry the whole thread off on a tangent or non sequitur and acuse me of changing the subject when I respond to that. That's your entire repertoire. You're all just codependents and you're here so that you could reaffirm all your backwards beliefs among each other.
  24. Not you, Asteroid Breath. It's dishonest statisticians who I say cherry pick.
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