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Juice McKenzie

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Everything posted by Juice McKenzie

  1. I'd fuck Gardevoir
  2. Juice McKenzie


    You're not paranoid about people robbing and or diddling you while you sleep?
  3. If I did play it, all I would catch are Slowpoke's
  4. What about hiring a professional exterminator?
  5. I'll take 20
  6. He looked like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite
  7. Yeah, you're crazy
  8. Those are their actual names?
  9. Gerbils are adorable
  10. Never cared for them
  11. One of the card games that I play had an ending for their anime that used a British band
  12. I barely use mine
  13. I've never heard of the franchise until a couple of weeks ago when my friends were talking about it.
  14. I never really saw the appeal. I mean I like Pokemon, but it just seems like a less fun version of the game. Sure, it's like you're actually catching a Pokemon but that doesn't really interest me. Plus the fact that the first couple of weeks it came out, it was all I heard about.
  15. Juice McKenzie


    you'd look hot with short hair
  16. Juice McKenzie


    That's giving me a chub
  17. I once told my friend "for being such a smart jew, you sure are dumb"
  18. I only liked the original
  19. don't throw it at your refridgerator
  20. Juice McKenzie


    Make sure to chew
  21. Juice McKenzie


    In the cage with Nicholas Cage
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