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Everything posted by Skinko

  1. Beards are for smelly hippies and carnival women.
  2. Yes. The little short one on the left, his right.
  3. If you take away the beard. And also change every other aspect of his physical appearance.
  4. All that show is, is every stupid overplayed "nerd" stereotype turned up to 11. Just like they used to do in minstrel shows, but instead of "LOL look at the funny black man," it's just "LOL look at the funny nerd." There's no subtlety or nuance. It's just "HA HA REFERENCE! HA HA SCIENCE ANALOGY! HA HA AWKWARD AROUND GIRLS! HA HA SHELDON HAS ASPERGER SYNDROME AND IT HAS LED TO A COMEDIC MISUNDERSTANDING!" Get that shit outta here. Johnny Galecki is kinda cute, though. Not gonna lie.
  5. Big Bang Theory is the nerd equivalent of blackface.
  6. Listen. Here's the thing. No.
  7. Sorry if I've been a dick recently. But I have a Dragonite in Pokemon Yellow, which means I get to talk down to everyone now.
  8. That's for me to know and for you to find out.
  9. It looks interesting. I'll give it a look.
  10. It's a good song, but the fact that it's a meme now kinda ruins it.
  11. When someone sings Mr. Brightside at karaoke.
  12. Sorry for your loss, my friend. Being numb about it at first is pretty normal.
  13. To the fact that I made dickish jokes and remarks about recent tragedies. Karma was like, "Troll Tom Petty fans and Las Vegas tragedy sympathizers, will ya? Well, now your reality is that literally everyone dropped the ball on getting you an apartment. And you're sleeping on the ground now. Take that, douchebag." As much as I'm an atheist, I do believe that the universe can and will shit on you when you do stupid shit. That's what this was. And the more committed I become to that belief, the more shitty it feels to be a troll. For selfish reasons, as well as genuinely feeling like a dick.
  14. For fuck's sake, he isn't dead yet.
  15. It's 2D, but Link can go in eight directions, not four. The diagonal always fucks me up in games like that. Also, I agree. Breath of the Wild did have the sexiest character ever. Sidon...
  16. Mostly because I'm not that great at games with those kinds of controls. And also because my brain no do mazes good. It's pretty fun, though.
  17. I lost my mind, can I have yours? ::spin::
  18. Chicago, IL 60652
  19. Because I wanna go outside.
  20. Gonna go downtown and arrest some crime
  21. As it happens, I just recently completely separated myself from my entire social circle. And not in the most cordial way either, but how do you cordially tell a group of people you love, and who loves you, that you never want to interact with them again? In fairness, it wasn't anything they did. They're awesome. But I can't spend my life being "super social nice guy at the bar." I'm almost none of those things.
  22. So can a Ford Tempo. That doesn't make it suck any less.
  23. More like big tall stupids.
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