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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I went there specifically for fried pies, and the don't have them here
  2. Damn, well fuck you too.
  3. I legit thought this was a Packard thread....Cut that shit out, Stilgar. Also, I have a George Foreman grill....I've used it like twice.....I can press my loaf with a spatula
  4. I remember enjoying it....Like my original intent was to just skip through it and watch the cool parts, but I wound up sitting through the whole thing. I don't find it too fucked up.....I guess the child rape/murder part was pretty fucked up, but the ending makes up for it so much.
  5. Cannibal Holocaust is also really old, so special effects made many leaps by the time that came out. I might wath Cannibal Holocaust again soon. Yeah, I felt kinda bad for that turtle though. I think they killed a monkey too, but it's been like 8 years since I saw it.
  6. Oh...3...4 days maybe, but I was drinking and doing blow the whole time so I had no room for such nonsense like food.
  7. We have the technology (I guess, dafuq do I know). I haven't been able to eat since 10 pm last night.....Not that that's really a problem, but my appointment was at 10 today, and she got called out on an emergency so now I can't eat until after I see her at 1. I could just be delusional posting because I'm starving, but I think we should implement a system where I can just tell them what I ate after 10 and they take it out of the equation. No, I don't need to make sense, I'm fucking hungry. Sad part is I did my blood work at 10 and I asked if I could eat after that, but the scan I'm having requires my stomach to be empty....Which also makes no sense to me since it a scan of my lungs.
  8. No one visits my PUGB threads so I'll bring that bullshit in here because everyone needs to care about long dead franchises like Skyrim, Rocket League and League of Legends.....Won't someone please play games I wasted money on-Viper
  9. I downloaded it last week....Still haven't played it....I got bored looking for a match and just quit
  10. until
    Simply eat my sack
  11. See how much your life sucks.....Though I would totally watch a phillies anime
  12. At the risk of referrencing a Harvey Birdman episode....We passed them long ago aside from flying cars
  13. Why and how.....Did you not know how to spell bitch?
  14. I hate to think what will happen in the future that we will not experience and later consider what we have now to be complete shit. I want the epitome of human comfort. Wifi, weed and AC ain't the endgame. What will these motherfuckers have in 2059 that will make them laugh at us.
  15. Which one....Sarcoidosis.....Alcoholism.....Which are you trying to allude to in a passive aggressive attempt at a retort, because I'm almost sure I have a better chance than you with either of those but I grew up learning to persevere.......Not preserve.
  16. I'll be honest here......I fapped to that scene....It was one of the oddly most fappable things I'd seen back then. Terribly, it does nothing for me now......But yes. That shit was on point for disillusioned masturbating when it came out.
  17. I said I didn't like them, not that they don't occur. Don't be simple....Even simple Ricks die before their time.
  18. My bathroom is that big.....I don't piss in front of a mirror.....My mirror in my bathroom is damn near communal........Toilet over here in it's own place.
  19. This seems.....Kinda lazy......Efficient, but lazy.
  20. FIRST....Now, so this won't become "that thread"
  21. I didn't realize you had made a thread that would be similar to mine in ways of thinking. I would like you to know that my thread is not a spinoff of this....I just logged in a few minutes ago
  22. The sky is only blue at certain times. Water is only hot when I allow it. Fire is only cold in hell. Women are indeed people and this has nothing to do with them of any capacity. If dogs couldn't look up, my dog would have no idea who I was other than based off my smell.....Which I change daily but I still think optical assurance is a thing with dogs even though the focus on scent. NO!
  23. This is all you must avoid to be my friend. Truth is all I require. Anything other makes me completely unhinged.
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