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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. senpai on the streets, kawaii in the sheets
  2. neither did i but i know it was a thing for a reeeeeeeeally long time
  3. are we though?
  4. that movie can't possibly still be popular
  5. i miss your boo bee icon
  6. welcome to like two weeks ago
  7. bend over
  8. you're new song bebeh
  9. bang bang bebeh
  10. fuck no, she's second best in Persona 4 and not even close over all
  11. eh not a fan of really any of them.
  12. hey you with the long black hair, i've got some wine to share
  13. time for me to leave this thread
  14. is she really that terrible of an author honestly. or is it that it's a 1200 page jerk off to capitalism?
  15. ya'll can circlejerk over there
  16. gaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  17. i was here first
  18. i don't expect you to be around for too long since you weren't really on the old board all that much
  19. good now get the hell out of there
  20. oh no, it's you. fuck
  21. shut up, perseus
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