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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Since our posts in the Horror sub-forum don't appear on the home page, it defeats the purpose of it being listed under Noise. Anyway, Encore Suspense is airing The Craft right now. This, along with The Crow (which ended on El Rey 50 minutes ago) bring back memories. Talk about '90s Horror Nostalgia. Besides the ending of The Craft, this fight scene between Robin Tunney and Fairuza Balk is still 1 of my 3 favorite scenes from the film. "I'M FLYING! I'M FLYING! I'M FLYING!" LMAO!
  2. Without a doubt, this will sound bias with me saying this but I think the Horror sub-forum should be left up all year. Horror isn't limited to only existing during Halloween.;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PurgatoryGirl


      Will it appear on the main page in Horror like it does in Movies & TV?

    3. Raptorpat
    4. PurgatoryGirl


      Okay, I guess you can move it to Horror. Thanks!:)

  3. Remember that scene after Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) played his guitar solo? The Goth Industrial-Electro band, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult was shown performing "After The Flesh," during that shootout scene. This remix of the song sounds better than the original, which was featured on The Crow Soundtrack. FIRE IT UP! FIRE IT UP! FIRE IT UP!
  4. Even though I've had it on VHS for more than 2 decades, The Crow is currently airing on El Rey. In another hour, The Craft will be on Encore Suspense. Talk about '90s nostalgia.
  5. You could probably say, that I took a "weekend break" from here. That's something most of us should be doing. Unplugging from the Internet, when it is possible. So, I just thought of something. If your work ever gets published or self-published, do you have any ideas of what you would want your book to look like? I can't really think of how I would want the exterior to look. However, I would love for the pages to have Charcoal Gray paper with bright red font, in order to help set the spooky tone. I know others will say my idea sounds insane, but imagine opening a book of Horror stories with pages that look spooky, before the book can be read.
  6. Before the days of Pharrell Williams.
  7. Can't forget Rob Zombie's younger brother, Spider One from Powerman 5000. I still say Powerman 5000 sounds like a name for a vibrator.
  8. Looks like I was the last poster, since Thursday night and early yesterday morning. We can't forget White Zombie before Rob Zombie became a contrived, pretentious, and hypocritical Horror filmmaker/solo artist. I'm still reeling over my interview with Sean Yseult and learning how Rob was quick to discard she and the rest of the band, especially her.
  9. Here's a longer video. What Stephen King said about Carrie was enlightening as well as hilarious, especially when talking about the screening for Carrie in 1975.
  10. It will probably seem biased of me sharing sharing some of these Stephen King videos, but he writes more than Horror novels. King has books published explaining about writing and more.
  11. Listening to the live version of this Candlebox song was always hilarious, in my hometown. Listening to Candlebox fans shout in unison, "FUCK YOU!" with Kevin Martin, during their concert performance for "You" in '94 still cracks me up years later.
  12. Why so angry? Yes, I know. I'm such a crazy, social misfit. Grab a bucket of pig's blood! STAT!
  13. Gotta add some KoRn. I wonder which band member held my artwork for their Issues album cover contest, which was originally meant for fans in '99. Not that I was expecting to win or anything, but the guy who won didn't deserve to win, especially when he was never a KoRn fan and only wanted the cash prize. Oh well. KoRn's albums didn't start to suck until Issues, anyway. KoRn, Life Is Peachy, and Follow The Leader were their best albums. Untouchables redeemed KoRn after Issues. Then, their albums got worse year after year.
  14. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water. Let the motherfucker burn. Burn, motherfucker! BURN!
  15. This definitely brings back memories of the movie, Mortal Kombat.
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