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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Listen, you need to invest in... ****Gets hit in the back of the head with a golf club**** WAFFLES! Tasty waffles with maple syrup!
  2. :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: #YOLOSWAGBlazeIt420
  3. Get an automated Mahjong table, then I could go there to teach you mahiong. I liek Mahjong....
  4. Sarah Silverman because she's cute and smart and hilarious. Looks fade, but a brilliant comedic mind is long lasting .
  5. http://tinychat.com/roguealphonse Password iz 'notwelcome'
  6. Trans women are awesome. Like, they are basically women who can get creampied over and over again with being stricken with pregnancy.
  7. Vegans.......... ****TRIGGERED STATE REACHES LVL 9,002****
  8. I trust all is well, Quan Yin. Love that Oolong tea you invented.
  9. What's Crack-a-lackin'? I drank a gallon of LSD. What's new with you? :it: :poop: :420: :'(
  10. !aixelsyd ym gnireggirt potS
  11. This poll is not super serial and was created for novelty purposes.
  12. Li3|< 0/\/\G! Eet$ 2002 all ov3r 4gain
  13. Iffin' there was a child murderer/rapist on the loose and I knew something; I would definitely tell the police, but as far as misdemeanors like pot possession go, I'm no snitch.
  15. How could I forget the thunder lizard that died for our sins thus initiating labor day? :420:
  16. Like if I see a shitty meme on Faiss Bok, I'll think silently to myself "This has more cut and paste than a Kindergarten arts and crafts class for little girls who got sexually abused through preschool." The jokes are not good or funny basically that last one plays on the fact that most cutters were sexually abused prior to their habit of self harm, and the paste part refers to the craft paste typically used in a kindergarten setting instead of glue. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!?!?!?!?
  17. But also NSFHB (Not Suitable For Human Beings)? I come up with jokes in my mind that are so utterly horrid, they make the worst holocaust jokes look like knock-knock jokes for Mormon preschoolers. WTF, brain?
  19. Satan's a hoe and a punk ass. If I removed my "mask" the saints would fall crippled and the fallen would beg the Lord God for asylum. Not one life would be spared from my cold, logical, calculated Mass Extinction of Humanity (MEH), because honestly IDGAF about the sanctity of life, nor the beauty and majesty of nature. My life, your life, all lives are a symphony of bellyaching and autistic screeching. It's quite maddening. No human being is entitled to life because no human does anything worth while with that "gift". The 'Alt-right', the WBC, Donald Trump, ISIS, Hillary Clinton, that stupid twat, Bob, etc. All are a pox on the Earth. Now there people I love and cherish, but like all humans, they struggle, fail, feel sadness, grief, hardship and loss; and the kills me. All this farce could end if everybody stopped and died. Forsake all hope because there is no salvation in this life.
  20. So a week or so ago my mom and i go to Taco Bell to enjoy some Doritos Locos Tacos, and this modern-day Forest Gump-esque gent is with his GF and they are ordering a large to-go order, most likely for a gathering of some sort, and he is slowly listing off items to the cashier. "...Five soft tacos, two mexican pizzas, and... two chicken Kay-suh-dill-uhz." It was at that point my mother snickered to herself; his girlfriend looked at my mom as if to say, "Yes, I heard it too." I ordered next, and after that we sat at our table to wait for our order. Soon after the gent and his lady exited the building and right when the door closed behind them, I turned to my mum and said, "Y'know, mama always said life is like a Kay-suh-dill-uh." That was a great day because now my mom and I finally have one inside joke, which has never happened because our styles of humor differ greatly. So, Kay-suh-dill-uh guy, if you're out there; thank you.
  21. Jicama.
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