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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. We love you too <3 <3 <3
  2. Probably cause I was at the old boards but after I was an Owl, I toned down a lot and then just kinda disappeared
  3. Hey >.> I was at the old boards. Naraku4656 and I still count
  4. Yeah, I tend to be on Fb mostly. I was around for a bit, and after around 30K, I died down a lot and then disappeared
  5. I keep seeing stuff for it but have never given it a try yet. You say it's pretty cute huh? I'll give it a try
  6. Honestly I would watch. Not pay. But watch.
  7. Oh look. We both Naraku's are here again. (If I stay around). I kinda dissapear a lot
  8. Perfecto!
  9. Nah, you all good c;
  10. I'm proud of you. Also, very first post here. Woop
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