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Everything posted by MCPissPants

  1. The same news announcers who misgendered Bluey are so gonna call Luffy Louffy or something.
  2. All this Star Wars talk, but the FLCL sequels seem more like the pointless cash-in slasher movie sequels. Can't wait until Haruko Takes Manhattan, Haruko Goes to Hell the Final FLCL (although not the final FLCL), FLCL X (set in space), FLCL vs Cowboy Bebop, and the full on FLCL reboot.
  3. So is Harumi the not Haruko? Don't recognize most the stuff on Kim Gasiciel's IMDB, but she seemed to be doing a really good Haruko impression.
  4. Isn't Toonami basically turning into the anime equivalent of The Asylum, pumping out shit after shit? They might as well embrace being shitty as part of their identity.
  5. The 30% chance Uzumaki won't suck even if Netflix's Junji Ito anime did.
  6. There will probably be as many FLCL sequels as Land Before Time sequels.
  7. I remember Billy West shit talking Rick and Morty at a con saying that the voice acting in the show was amateurish and that he'd never accept an offer to play in that show as it would be beneath him. Apparently not everybody thinks Roiland's an irreplaceable talent. Well, considering the fact that he voices the main character in the sci-fi cartoon that has a rivalry with Rick and Morty, he probably is very biased. As for Demarco, doesn't he hate boobs in cartoons and vetoes fanservice scenes in originals? That makes it hard to imagine he's a rapist as much as 4chan's belief he's a sex hating prude.
  8. Cons disregarding safety in the name of the almighty dollar? How absurd that a con could do that.
  9. Guy's a creep. I remember the time at a con when he smooched a teenage girl without consent at his panel and the crowd cheered and applauded for some reason. She said it was her birthday, but there was no statement of desiring a kiss. I found that incident gross. I can't really support Vic because the #IstandwithVic movement seems to be a spinoff from the anti-Daisy Ridley, Brie Larson, Jodie Whitaker whatever woman that misogynists hate movement. Can't find a pro-Vic Youtube channel that doesn't hate on whatever actress "raped Star Wars/marvel/Doctor Who" whatever. I doubt the honesty and intent of the #IstandwithVic movement for that reason.
  10. Who the hell cares about the opinion of a guy who hates every movie with women, or should I say "wahmen" tm in it, unless it was made before 2010 because older movies with women and minorities in them get a free pass for him for some reason. Fuck that guy.
  11. Fire Force wasn't Jump, but it was a Jump-esque punch 'em up. Is Zom 100 a DBZ-esque punch'em up? If it is, isn't it a guarantee Toonami is looking for it?
  12. But wacky conspiracy theories are fun. The CIA is covering up the real reason Toonami can't get shows. It's most likely they can literally afford absolutely nothing, not even a shitty isekai.
  13. How do we know Crunchyroll doesn't charge an extra hefty fee for any anime with a MyAnimeList score above 7? That sounds like a Crunchyroll thing to do it exonerates Demarco. If Toonami can afford anime with MyAnimeList scores above 7, then what is stopping them? Demarco is on the hook if that is the case.
  14. We know Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and the good stuff is out of reach. What if Reincarnated as a Sword, Danmachi, and all those shows are also out of reach too? It might literally be at the point where the budget is "In Another World with My Smartphone or nothing at all." That is quite the dilemma.
  15. Demarco raped my dog and ate my baby. Son of a bitch deserves to die. Okay sarcasm. He's just a dude who operates a block on an obsolete medium called cable and it looks like he has to choose between shitty anime or none at all. If we did get shitty isekai on Toonami, there would probably still be tons of hate directed at the block.
  16. But by that logic, isn't King of the Hill advertising Hulu? Why has Adult Swim briefly flirted with weekday anime only to yank it away a few months later? Are the ratings for 4 AM MHA and Naruto really that bad to yank them after a few months?
  17. Even 4 AM weekday Naruto and MHA got pulled after a few months. Adult Swim apparently wants to keep anime quarantined to Saturday nights.
  18. If it's Crunchyroll, that's petty. Why not just let Toonami air the thing and stream it next day? With Toonami losing >80% of its 2012 audience, there's no way it would actually hurt Crunchyroll. Whether Toonami or Crunchyroll is at fault for the dub delay, this really caused a shitstorm on Twitter.
  19. If this was on Youtube months ago, why is it only now being a topic of discussion? Considering how big Attack on Titan's online fanbase is, surely somebody would have talked about it. All Tweets about the dub were pissed off people asking where the hell the dub is for months on end with no discussion of this promo. Crunchyroll users would be really pissed if the dub has been done for months and Toonami was just locking it in their little jail just finding the magical time to air it.
  20. Doesn't anime outside of Toonami almost always last just a couple of month before getting pulled? Even Dragonball Super weekdays didn't last long. Supposedly, the heavy dependence on continuity and having to watch every episode in order to understand it is why anime reruns on weekdays are ratings poison and Adult Swim only does it as desperation filler. It doesn't work as well as mindless background noise as an episodic Fox cartoon. Well, considering how much more real estate they have, can they return weekday anime without pulling it from the schedule three months later like they always do?
  21. Next Saturday? I thought we had to suffer through FLCL Alternative first. I guess they meant Saturday after next.
  22. Why does this board have a wrestling boner? 4chan, ResetEra, and all the other Toonami boards don't give a shit about wrestling and I don't. It feels like a meme for people in this board to randomly bring up AEWEIEIO or whatever that wrestling thing is the kids are into.
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