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Everything posted by MCPissPants

  1. I guess we can't even get Casshern Sins type shows now. It's kinda weird thinking back to the Bleach, Deadman Wonderland, Casshern Sins, reruns lineup as the "good old days." We have fallen far. I've kinda learned not to expect any acquisitions and if you want to watch action anime, get a Crunchyroll subscription.
  2. One major issue is the false hope that comes every time the schedule has an opening. If Toonami can't afford any licensed shows aside from sequel seasons, pulling the band aid off and letting us know would help. Hopers keep prophesying Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, some other big show being just around the corner and the reason 2023 is so barren is because they are saving for one of those shows. Redditers who have accepted Demarco as the son of God and our true lord and savior still have believe the block is the best it's ever been.
  3. I know cable is dying barely 150K people watch Toonami anymore. Maybe Toonami's inability to get acquisitions wouldn't sting as much if the first batch of originals didn't suck so much.
  4. If this were 2019, they would have been guaranteed pickups. It's just that the block went to shit once the calendar hit 2020 and things have never been the same. People are so used to how they used to be that the new status quo is upsetting.
  5. What the hell is this thread anyway?
  6. Weird how they decided to go into this direction when the rest of the Western anime companies have started to abandon originals. Crunchyroll phased out the Crunchyroll Originals branding because it was so toxic even if sequel seasons to shows that previously had that brand like In/Spectre are being made. Anime fans tend to hate Western co-productions. This next batch with Wantanabe and Park seems to have hope of actually being good and it feels like the Toonami Originals concept might not have been sullied had they come first. I guess these originals are being made in response to Crunchyroll cutting off their shonen supply? Anyway, the transition from shonen acquisitions to originals has been extremely detrimental to the Toonami brand.
  7. So far, this entire calendar year has been sequel seasons to shows they've already aired. Supposedly, Toonami's having better relations with Crunchyroll, but where's a non sequel? I mean even shitty generic isekai #45668235? I guess maybe it is true that Toonami would rather air nothing than spend money on view repellant, but with only about 100K viewers left, there aren't many viewers left to repell. Is Crunchyroll only offering Toonami Gibiate/Ex Arm tier stuff for a reasonable price?
  8. Everyone rooting for Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, Spy X Family and/or Chainsaw Man massivly disappointed. Anyone hoping for a Viz or Sentai show massively disappointed. Toonami seems like an original dumping ground now rather than the place for hot new shonen except they did manage to lock the dub of Attack on Titan in Toonami Jail for months without even airing it, pissing off dub streamers. Man 2023 has sucked considering this was the year of Food Wars season 5 being a "highlight." Maybe Uzumaki redeems 2023 and becomes their first big hit original and does what those other Junji Ito anime couldn't do.
  9. What other platform is Bleach on? I thought the entire Bleach franchise got removed from Crunchyroll, Tubi, and all competitors.
  10. Are we sure it isn't a Sailor Moon Crystal situation where Mickey Mouse paid Viz a bunch of money for exclusive streaming rights? Demarco's been silent on Bleach's airability, so maybe hope?
  11. This used to be easy when it was always easiest to bet on the Shonen Jump thing or the Kill La Kill or One Punch Man tier action show. Toonami seemingly can't access those shows anymore, so it's really hard to predict. Demarco asked what Viz and Sentai stuff people liked, but we haven't gotten any Viz or Sentai stuff this year. They really seem to be de-emphasizing big acquisitions in favor of originals, but the 2021-2022 originals were not good. Toonami is a lot harder to predict now than in their shonen obsessed period.
  12. I'm hoping that we get a Made in Abyss type surprise. Even an older Sentai show like Gate would be cool.
  13. I've gathered it's essentially an American shojo. Very different from the testosterone soaked stereotypical Toonami programming. Probably why 4chan seems like's split 50/50 as to what they think of it.
  14. So is this show Beware the Batman tier kiddy shit, or actually worth watching? Unicorn Warriors Eternal kinda sucked.
  15. I guess either Jujutsu Kaisen and/or Bleach could have been the shows that fell through. Couldn't they just settle for Oshi no Ko or some Sentai show? The big shonen seem unobtainable.
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