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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. I want it at least $105 a pack then the freaking insurance rates will drop in my state
  2. Every Detroiter in my state as well as a few Yoopers
  3. Yup plus my county still has it banned
  4. Well that's no fun waxed floors are funny with cats
  5. But you hate having your picture taken
  6. Rip the carpet out hardwood floors are in style now carpet is outdated anyways
  7. Until you get one then you are screwed
  8. Trump changed it to national deportation day
  9. I hate anything that has to part of the cigarette family hence why I always vote on rising the cigarette sales tax
  10. Better get some good food/booze to make a good impression
  11. Now you get that awkward stare when everyone else shows up
  12. Fuck you zeni Oh wait no girl would do that anyway
  13. You ever seen the 🐈 riding the Roomba?
  14. Misaka


    So would having sex in there count as Exhibitionism?
  15. I bet she does @fuggnificent you know what Roomba is Right?
  16. Eating white Castle
  17. 2017 had a lot as well Edit; https://fiftiesweb.com/dead/dead-people-2016/amp/ Ok you were right
  18. You're rich yet you never heard of Roomba!? I bet fuggs even knows what a Roomba is
  19. Drug testing has no days off
  20. Ever thought of getting a Roomba?
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