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Everything posted by Blackrose321

  1. It feels a bit like saying "bro" to me sometimes.
  2. How the heck did you get it covered? My friend has had a hell of a time with weight loss and she can't get it without paying out of pocket. It would be cheaper to develop a drug habit. 😅
  3. I was a teen when WHR came out so my perception was appropriately juvenile. Now I'm 10 years older than Amon and I'm like, "She's too young for you!" 😅
  4. Two. I'm still in touch with both but haven't seen them in person in a long time.
  5. Yeah, someone made an html signature for me with roses and a quote I've since forgotten haha.
  6. Yep, it's a BBQ turkey leg I got at my first Ren faire. I had no idea they were that big and I was really struggling to eat it. 🤣
  7. Thanks! It started slow so I think people kind of got bored. I got my husband to watch it though! They were talking about making a live action version at some point. I was obsessed but obviously it never happened which is probably for the best haha.
  8. Another [as] friend told me she was so one of the first things I did was follow @romana like a stalker. 😶
  9. Omg I did! I used pink and comic sans. I apologize. 😅
  10. Aww, how did she break her little leg? My friend's cat sprained his tail once. He was sleeping in his cat tree but he fell off and landed on a bicycle. 😅
  11. My mom is coming to stay with me for a week. This is the first time she's ever visited and I'm really excited. I'm going to cook for her and then we'll see a Broadway play. I'm also going to try to start an indoor garden, the seeds just arrived. We're also planning on going to two different ren faires because we're nerds.
  12. I'm on the second book of The Stormlight Archive.
  13. I'm obsessively playing Cassette Beasts. I've spent an unhealthy number of hours on it. No regrets.
  14. Cowboyardee and romana were always there for me when I was just a lost kid looking for friends.
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