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Everything posted by Blackrose321

  1. I was a librarian up until last year. I worked so hard to get into the field only to find that new entries are being paid less and worked more, management isn't being monitored so they do whatever they want, bullying is rampant, and even though women make up the majority of the workforce, men still hold a larger proportion of authority roles. So I just fucking quit. Now I don't know what to do with my life but I feel immense stress about not paying off loans fast enough that I might still be able to start a family if I want to. I'm too young for a midlife crisis but here we are.
  2. Aww thank you, that is very kind of you to say. I'll keep giving it my best, it's all you can do right?
  3. That and honestly a bit of a fuckup these days. Lol
  4. I'm simultaneously trying to make plans to get my life back on track while worrying about going even further off track because that's my m.o.
  5. Still repeating this one...
  6. We've been working with one of our clients for over a year. They keep changing their mind about what they want so we never get to wrap anything up. One of them is so fucking arrogant that he feels he needs to research things for us, stupid things like CSS. He assumes everyone is dumb and is so offensive in the process. I wish he'd just focus on his own shit, make a decision, and stick with it. Like dude...worry about your own job, the two page emails don't help if you change your mind a week later. And I'm so tired of repeating myself, I've had to answer the same question 3 times in a week. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but my last job was the same way. It was always older guys coming up to me asking if I needed help with X technology, saying stupid things like, "I know at home my tv works like so and so" and I'd be like "This is a $20,000 entertainment system, I don't think your Toshiba is the same". I even had one guy try to interrupt my tech class, that he joined as a student, to tell me that his iPhone works X way so shouldn't an Android be the same? No, you fucking donut, it doesn't work that way...
  7. @suziefish_ confused?
  8. I wish I knew how my parents' dog died. She was only 9 and I just saw her in June. But we've fallen out since then and it was their friend who informed me. They ignored my husband's call and refused to return it, even today, on my bday. I don't mind them ignoring my bday, I just wish I knew what happened to her. They loved her but they are bad pet owners so I worry she suffered. I hope she didn't.
  9. I'm a Kpop fan, sorry. 😅
  10. Butter chicken, garlic naan, and vegetarian samosa. I'm starting a strict diet tomorrow to get my health in check so I wanted Indian for my last meal. 😂
  11. A protein shake. On a strict doctor-monitored diet to get my health under control. Not fun but it's necessary.
  12. I feel like I've posted a Cassette Beasts song before, maybe even this one...
  13. Close, crippling depression. lol
  14. I'm thinking, "I hope I can follow my plans for the day..." They're so simple but I've been depressed so it's like climbing Everest just to get started with basic tasks.
  15. This looks good, I'll definitely watch it. I loved the book. Well, I loved reading it, David Grann did a great job with it, but I hated the actual story. It's infuriating what happened to these people so I hope the movie does them justice.
  16. I feel like planning our summer activities is taking way too long because my husband keeps thinking of things backwards, like asking where we'll be staying when we go to the ren faire when we haven't even established where the dogs will be. We can't leave 3 dogs unattended for 3 days...so step 1 should be finding a safe place for them before we worry about booking ourselves a room, which is the far easier part. And then we kept going back and forth over whether we're going to Cedar Point for weeks because he's indecisive. And it's already freaking July 10!
  17. I just finished The Horror of Dolores Roach on Prime. I enjoyed it, everything moves pretty fast so you're never bored.
  18. Omg I did something similar and now I'm writing this through squinted eyes because I'm exhausted. You'd think we'd know better by now. 🤣
  19. Turned out great, but took a lot longer than expected haha.
  20. I haven't gotten to do it yet, it keeps raining! Tomorrow is my one and only shot, it's going to rain after that. The pressure is on!
  21. I'll never stop bitching about Nancy Bass Wyden. Her husband worked on the PPP loans, said he was worried about theft/fraud while his asshole wife stole 7 figures from taxpayers.
  22. It's been storming where I am, too. My middle dog is afraid of loud noises - sirens, fireworks...storms - so he startled awake from wherever he'd been sleeping in the house and came running to us for cuddles like a toddler.
  23. I don't know if it was a good idea to decide to try smoking brisket on the 4th, I have no idea what I am doing and the more I read, the more stressed I get...
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