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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. Point taken, but I am referring to democratically winning elections for many years in a row. Not going easy on the opposing party that can't seem to stop self-immolating enough to win elections.
  2. Seriously, there are people who fall for this? It's on the same level of scam callers asking about your car's extended warranty. It's a problem that can be solved with a simple attitude of "don't believe everything you read".
  3. I've recently been talking to a particularly talkative Twitter account that is obviously a Russian government propaganda thing pretending to be pro-Ukrainian. It's painfully obvious, and I could tell even before I knew there was a lot of previous reporting on "pro-Russia trolls pretending to be Ukrainians online".* So far, I haven't let on that I know he's really pro-Russia. It's interesting watching him work. He's basically giving pro-Russia points of view, but trying to sound reasonable and calm, not reacting emotionally whenever I give an actual pro-Ukraine point that contradicts him. He usually responds with something like, "That may be true, but what about [dubious point that hypes the effectiveness of Russian weapons or some other shit]?" I am amazed how dumb Russian trolls think people are though. *See this 2021 warning from Ukrainian intel about just this phenomena. https://ssu.gov.ua/novyny/sbu-vykryla-ahenturnu-merezhu-spetssluzhb-rf-yaka-destabilizuvala-sytuatsiiu-v-ukraini-cherez-telegramkanaly
  4. I was going to post a screenshot of a stupid thing he recently said, but then I stopped myself. "No. I don't care and no one else should either," I thought.
  5. The part in the story in between the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
  6. Maybe it would help if the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for twenty years at a time, like the way it used to happen in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Help by giving the GOP the break from power it's earned.
  7. This raises an interesting point. After Trump is gone (likely to prison and this year), the GOP is going to be in tatters. I hope it stays that way for a long time.
  8. Sounds kind of far fetched. And dumb. Trump probably wants to try it.
  9. 1:24:59 Alarms on bridge [of ship Dali], power fails on ship 1st time ~1:25:30 Pilot calls pilot dispatch, says ship may hit the bridge, close the bridge 1:26:39 Maryland Transportation Dept records incoming call from pilot dispatch, advising to urgently close the bridge 1:27:25 MDTA duty officer radios two units stationed at either end of the bridge, telling them to close the bridge. 1:29:00 to 1:29:33 'Black box' recorder on the ship records the sounds of the Dali crashing into the bridge.
  10. You know, just like Oppenheimer.
  11. RIDLEY SCOTT CAUGHT UP IN CHAOS ... Blocked From Home https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/26/ridley-scott-caught-in-frustration-amid-raid-at-diddy-la-area-home/?adid=social-tw The director of Prometheus is inconvenienced.
  12. I see you haven't seen social media today.
  13. A terrible accident because a ship pilot lost control of his ship, or whatever crazed conspiracy theory the Internet is coming up with?
  14. This video was tweeted by an RNC "attack" account because they thought it makes Biden look bad, and they wanted to amplify it.
  15. There was a Dune movie. And then a Ghostbusters movie. Kind of like now.
  16. Biden's job approval rating has been improving the last couple of weeks. On 538 today, the "underwater" water (-13.7) is the lowest it's been since last September. Around the time of the midterms in November 2022, it was about -10. In my opinion, the shift is due to Democratic-leaning Americans starting to pay attention to politics again now that the 2024 election is clear.
  17. Those were fun times, right? Having three pages flapping in the wind.
  18. It improves on the source material a lot. ssstwitter.com_1711221869711.mp4 h/t writer/editor Benjamin Crew
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  19. That guy got that video from one of those YouTube live streams of railroads. You can tell because of the watermark in the bottom right of the image.
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