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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. I met Marjorie Taylor Greene once for like five seconds. It was 2018 and it was at some event near my hometown. I knew she was interested in running for office somewhere. She seemed normal for those five seconds.
  2. The Trump impeachments were necessary but the Republican-launched impeachments of Biden and Mayorkas are cynical politics. And the Republicans fully know this.
  3. Assuming Trump loses in November, this really will be his last hurrah. A loss means Trump is definitely going to prison. Trump himself might freak out when he realizes he lost because he'll know there's no stopping the consequences of his actions reaching him. Vote against Trump in November like it means he'll go away forever when he loses.
  4. My first time watching any of this, and yikes.
  5. Have you noticed the clumsy shift from "Sleepy Joe has dementia" to "he was so loud and aggressive"?
  6. Calling any politician feeble or too old has always been problematic. It seems ignorant and unfair to seniors. I'm really confident people who do use that language have no clue what they are talking about about, so I never considered it a threat. Only in the sense that it might be insensitive towards seniors. That's crossed my mind a few times. Me: "So, you're going to mock someone for being elderly? You think that's legitimate conversation? You also think that's... funny?" Person I dislike: "Yep." Me: "Okay then, have at it. I'm sure that will work out for you." *I know there's a possibility they may think it's a good idea to mock Asians one day by speaking in a fake Asian language*
  7. At the State of the Union, Biden Tapped Into His Age as a Strength BY FRED KAPLAN https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/biden-age-president-strength-state-of-the-union.html I have never bought into the criticism of Biden being old, and was a little surprised that other people hype it. There has never been anything to defend. If anti-Biden people set the bar at "he has dementia", Biden will inevitably exceed that bar and throw his critics into confusion. They immediately lose the attack they put so much effort into concocting. Like all things, I listen to experts on the issue and medical experts who know about senior health say it's absurd for a stranger to judge an old person and claim they have a disease. Only their doctor could ever say that, and any rando on the Internet would never have any idea what they are talking about. It's a red herring that I'm surprised people fall for, in other words.
  8. Trump totally did NOT build a physically impossible wall along the entire border after promising to do it for votes either. Republicans don't take the issue seriously.
  9. Undocumented immigrants commit less crime than born Americans. Picking out one instance where one did commit a crime and pointing at it is xenophobic, very misleading, and a cynical attempt at political games. If Marjorie Taylor Greene REALLY cared about addressing illegal immigration she would have supported the bipartisan immigration portions of the national security bill that Republican James Lankford worked out with Dems instead of walking away from the negotiations. They don't even believe it's a problem that needs addressed.
  10. This is the face you give to trick or treaters when you greet them.
  11. It's supposedly against protocol to wear campaign stuff on the floor of the House. But also, it's Marjorie Taylor Greene so he might be reacting to just that.
  12. Have you ever had this experience with a Trump voter? Person A: "I support Trump because he's tough. He's an asshole to people who deserve it. He tells it like it is, and doesn't care about anyone's feelings." Person B: "I will never be friends with you, and I dislike you because you voted for Trump." Person A: "That's unfair and offensive." *Anger schtick* That one always got to me.
  13. Voting against Trump in 2024 would be the most brutal act of revenge. It's hard to think of any other example of righteous spite being so thoroughly satisfied. So no, I'm not scared or pessimistic about this election.
  14. We don't appreciate this enough. We have been downplaying Trump's 4 indictments. Sure, we talk about them but that doesn't do them justice. Voting in the 2024 election is literally a vote to "Lock Him Up". That was just insulting when it was used in 2016, but now it's literal. A voter in November literally has the power to send Donald Trump, the guy who falsely accused the Central Park 5 and who raped E. Jean Carroll, to prison. Don't you want to use that power?
  15. Biden's Twitter account being nice to Dean Phillips.
  16. Honestly, it's a worth a shot. It seems to be a useful strategy thus far. At least Biden gets to look like a nice guy.
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