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Everything posted by PeoplesPoet

  1. inflation affects all of us
  2. Narcissist's gonna Narc I remember reading that trump was headed into psychoses territory, which follows the spectrum perfectly. this was back with his chris wallace interview where he did a test and it was like "where is you, what's this" and he was so proud of himself that he didn't fail to notice that it was indeed an elephant (actually I think chris wallace said what it was), so much so that "trump is a genius" was a thing on twitter. remember, he even said that the test was kind of hard when it was "memorize 5 words" and "who is this". that test is, I think, a test to test cognitive decline with dementia patients. I can recall his beady little eyes when he said "the test was kind of hard". how in the world did that man become president when he didn't even know what a mnemonic device was. I hope the stuff is nuclear secrets or something and he get's treason. I hope the earth grows some arms and grabs him and hurls him into the sun. I hope the ghost of Mccain comes and haunts him everyday
  3. the first photo is taken with a Gh5, ( I went and became a pretty good photographer) Watson is My dog's name
  4. a local alcohol store has one, ... it really write itself folks. I only know one person that made any money on bitcoin and he invested a lot of money 10 or so years ago in it (and made out like a bandit the beginning of this year). everyone else I know may have got 200 bucks out of it when Elon was being Elon, lots probably lost a few hundred. that and all the almost burnt out bitcoin video cards on ebay, know a few who got suckered like that. what was the topic again, oh ya banks.
  5. Darkest Dungeon, it's a rouge like game that is, just kind of hard to explain but is all kinds of fun. also tons of mods Kingdome rush, frontiers. it's about the best tower defense game I can think of. there are 2 stages that are endless but get gradually harder and I'm trying to get past stage 61 on either. the last spell: awesome rouge like game where the player takes on the roll of a commander. there was a war and one thing lead to another, mages cast a spell that killed almost everything and made almost everything into these mutants. a plan was concocted and the last spell made, now the player and his party/town has to stay alive for 10 rounds on each map for the mages at the center of each town to cast the last spell and expel magic forever the game is isomorphic(I'm pretty sure that's the word, birds eye) . fun game but each round past 5 is about 30-45 minute ordeal. also some of the characters are nudists and the soundtrack is 8 bit metal (so fucking awesome)
  6. I think being back on the boards will help cause my rl friends are pretty reclusive, trying to get them to do anything is like pulling teeth. just shooting the shit is good for the old noggin, just seeing some of these name's brings about some comfort.
  7. I've been thinking some heavy existential stuff lately. 0/5, would not recommend, everyone should stay 30 years old forever. I was an actor but got out for my own sanity, now I got 4 more years of college (psychology), gonna work in some sort of helping, whatever, and that pension is a nice incentive. I've even had to come up with a compromise on music (creation), just lp's and maybe music video's. to exit the live music scene was a kick in the pants, maybee some acoustic stuff at a bar later on, or if my lp's go over well I'll pull a lemmy it's all about time man, it's all about time running out. the first time I had a real existential crises was when I was projecting my income for the future and hit age 90 when I was like "damn I might not be here for that" good thing I had clonopen handy. now I'm thinking should I clean this room or watch the winter soldier. ohh good laundry calls
  8. *walks in, notices motley crew* they used to call me crapshot, it was something my director always used to try to put in a sentence if he could. *waves at barkeep* I'll just take a cool glass of water, ohh and 100 bucks worth of quarters for the Galiga machines *puts in quarter*
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