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Everything posted by PeoplesPoet

  1. do you want that pooh? I can start a dokit today
  2. when I come back I will be a pshycholigist, along with every thing that comes with it, do you want that?
  3. because
  4. it is current, because if they keep posting stuff that isn't, it is all the worse for them and you.
  5. you people have a couple of years to make this a place for everyone. do not tempt me. I will open up with the state and you will go under pshych student out
  6. go on, , I'd lie nothing more than to sue you
  7. no I said if I saw abuse I would report it.
  8. you might not. the web administrators do. I'm building my case. everyword, ,my case builds, from you. thank you for not having a bird in your head to know why
  9. and who would use their children as chess peices? narcisism
  10. it is not threats, it's alligations when I get my manditory license you do not know how any of this works
  11. what is wrong with you is what I layed out, NPD. understand? I get to tell the state that afeter awhile
  12. understand? this is grown up world child
  13. ok then, in 1 half a year or so I will tell me state about you and your abuse with your child. come after me bro, I am the one who actually has the state on their side. do you understand, if you have anything other than mother insticts, I will alert the authorities, it's my duty I'm not shitting around, I take my duty seriously
  14. I don't listen to npds, I have allreaddy shown that I know that that is, you do not.
  15. you think I'm joking? ask the people who made this website. if in a couple of years they do not have a firm grasp on deprevity. I can shut this place down
  16. abbudr does not know spelling, in 6 months I will be parcel to the truth of the land no matter what you think
  17. so now do your lies lay out? start telling the truth cause you will never know when my eyes are behind you\. it's come to that
  18. to pooh look up what mandated reporter means
  19. you are just makigng the case against you wosre guys.
  20. no, but then you never understood that word. did you read what mandated repoter is, it's a pshychogical thing you would be interested in
  21. cool beans, its time to grow up
  22. it's time to grow up
  23. I said pray I will forget, now I won't pray these boards more than a bastion of deprevitry sense poo will reply, in a half a year I get a mandated reporter. look that up, I allreaddy suspect you of npd, someone in the system. you all assume I'm making this up to your detrement, I'm actually giving yall a warning, and the people in charge of this website can't do a thing about that after that.
  24. I do plan on being a bigger part of this forum, however. lately I've been thinking about how I'm financing everything and how lucky I am to have the parents I have. they put a crapton of money in stocks and bonds for me, so much so that I can afford a university education and then pay a heafty downpayment on a house. this thinking (however dry it is) always leads me to the inevitable, the thing that no one wants to think about. and yes I'm a bit older and going back to school, I'm going to become a psychotherapist first, PHD later or whatever the one before that is. that pays between 50 and 100 thousand in Arkansas (the psychotherapist) and there is a need need for them, so it's not like I'll have a degree without there being a need (yes I'm waiting for Jengo to say something). but I'm honestly exited about it, I find psychology endlessly fascinating, that and when I figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up I kind of found a bunch of fuel that I never knew that I had before. that and the town I'm going to school at, hopefully, has a good music scene and you bet I'm going to get another band together
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