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Walter Von Moo Moo

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Everything posted by Walter Von Moo Moo

  1. A Florida man did all of this, that and the other thing. That and more from James Parker. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1994173
  2. I guess you never had any time to yourself.
  3. Monday is good, every time it belongs to you.
  4. China is now accusing the US of launching balloons over their air space. White House officials deny it all, saying that China is using deflection tactics. Okay, so why doesn't anyone just use those multi billion dollar space satellites for spying? We can put things on Mars now, so there's no reason for balloons from either side.
  5. https://pix11.com/news/us-world-news/mars-wrigley-fined-after-workers-fell-in-chocolate-tank/
  6. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-commits-evidence-based-actions-aimed-saving-lives-and-preventing-future-generations-smokers Just call it, the Welcome All Al Capone Clones bill or, WAACC Those Newports will be smuggled in from elsewhere. But, who's the boss?
  7. Why? Just so you can throw more money at the state's anti smoking lobby? Not every state is the same. Get over it.
  8. If I want to sit there all day, drinking coffee, that's what I'll do.
  9. You can't get any more current than what is going on at this particular moment. I think more people would be happy if every state followed this model because it leaves more choices up to the individuals, rather than having things dictated from behind a desk.
  10. Be sure to include Biden's crusade to keep schools segregated.
  11. Curt and Agnes Wysocki? I thought those two died in a car crash.
  12. The law is very simple on indoor tobacco use in business establishments. When the mainstay of the business is food or merchandise, smoking is prohibited by state law. When it's a bar serving alcohol, smoking is allowed unless the management says otherwise. Result: When you want a smoke free dinner, you got it. When you want to shop for clothes, groceries, appliances, etc. without a cloud of smoke hovering around your head, you got it. When you want to sit at a bar and guzzle eleven quarts of beer without seeing a dirty ash tray every ten feet, you got it as long as you go to one of the many clean air friendly establishments. If you wanna stay out all night, being a drunken, hot boxing sot, you got it. Everybody's happy. There's no push for a 100% smoking ban. You don't see self entitled bozos who insist on having all the rules changed just for them. That's the best model.
  13. What were the machine guns on WW2 fighter jets?
  14. They can still puncture cop's vest with whatever they do have.
  15. I need to see some pictures of this thing. Does it have props, like a drone, wings like a traditional plane or is it just another balloon?
  16. Then buy some armor piercing bullets from your local drug kingpin.
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