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Walter Von Moo Moo

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Everything posted by Walter Von Moo Moo

  1. Like I said, you can only hear it in Biden's own voice on radio. It's edited off of tv and the internet.
  2. It's not on the internet. You have to tune in a radio.
  3. Didn't Biden just say he was going to do away with domestic drilling in ten years? My sources have him on audio recordings... and play back those recordings.
  4. Not from the windmill peddlers.
  5. Those permits are useless without any assurance of long term stability. That's why the oil companies are not using them. Drills don't pop up overnight. It takes years of planning, preparation and setup. This is what Biden refuses.
  6. Ah, waddaya know from funny?
  7. It does when it shrinks while drying.
  8. The joke is going right over your head. One letter difference between habital and habitual.
  9. Never did taste it. It smells like acetone.
  10. No. There's a paste on the market that solidifies into hard plastic. Dip, let dry, good to go. No tape needed.
  11. The habitual planet you're talking about.
  12. Putting a new aglet on a broken shoe string.
  13. A single tin of cat food can still be had for a dollar. Eggs are six dollars per dozen. I bought a gallon of milk and a quart of half and half today. Nine dollars, just for that and it makes three dollars more than it was at this month last year. Oil isn't just a fuel. It's also a material in manufacturing. Look at whatever is plastic in your house. Do you own Tupperware? Does your tv have plastic casing? Your toothbrush or even parts of your vacuum cleaner? It's all oil, processed with chemicals to be solid. Finally, the land leases are totally separate issues from drilling permits. You can't act on drilling until you not only have both in place, but also an assurance of stability with them. Biden speaks with a forked tongue. He says the leases are available and some oil companies hold the leases. When Biden claims that the permits are also available, he's not telling YOU that those permits will expire in such a short term that setting up the drills is not cost effective. Why spend a hundred billion dollars to dig up nine billion dollars of oil before the permits expire? He does tell the oil companies that much, only because the permits are contractual. Oil companies in turn tell the media what's going on. Some media networks bury the story and some blurt it out from every rooftop. Either way, you will never hear Biden on tv admitting to this.
  14. The song titled, "Dizzy, Miss Lizzy" is very catchy, but were they by any chance taking pot shots at Queen Elizabeth?
  15. I'm only at the store that sells them once a month. There's a big collection of second hand watches. (No pun intended). Picked up a Seiko for ten bucks and a Marc Jacobs for twenty five.
  16. Doable, but the food would have to be in very small pieces.
  17. Say, Sonny... What's all this I'm hearing about a habitual planet?
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