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Walter Von Moo Moo

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Everything posted by Walter Von Moo Moo

  1. That's true of job hoppers
  2. Yup.
  3. No, it means the kids didn't even sign up for this work, which puts the company's actions in the category of human trafficking.
  4. So, what makes it xenophobic to point out a business that's taking an unfair advantage of kids who may not be here willfully? I'm sure those kids didn't sign up for this.
  5. He's a lazy, do nothing shit. That's right, I said it. Nepotism at its worst.
  6. How about a Fountain of Smart, instead?
  7. At meat packing plants? Also, bear in mind that the victims' immigration status is in question.
  8. Not speaking of you, specifically
  9. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/wisconsin-food-sanitation-company-pays-15-million-fine-child-labor-violations/89-28b6d2bf-3fdb-471e-9a1d-67cf19eb0913
  10. I see people making charts and graphs for things that are impossible to quantify and other people trying to build business models around the charts and graphs.
  11. I'll see the results later. I'm gonna shut down and see whether I can have another lucid dream.
  12. So go most discussions in which one side only accepts web based "evidence" from "champions" who know even less about the subject.
  13. Right, like where is it? How old is it? Has anyone been seen with it? How was it photograhed and by whom? Does it still exist at all?
  14. Well? This AI demonstration also shows that the web itself is neither all knowing nor infallible. The only people who really know what is in the box are those who have personally opened it. The web and AI can not be accurate in either confirming or denying it. But, you guys... Just carry on forever about, "Herp Derp! It's not on the web, so it isn't real!" Or, Duh huh! This guy over here on a blog who never opened the box says there's a tennis ball and a collection of soup cans in it, so that's the only fact I'll accept. Never mind anyone who opened it, that's just anecdotal!"
  15. I don't care if all the Republicans and Santa Clause voted by proxy. The speaker didn't have the authority to host a vote without quorum.
  16. So, you're making my point for me. It has no authoritative answers of its own. At least it admits so. The answer it gave here would have been nut shelled ten years ago. "Insufficient data..."
  17. So, your AI is just like any other computerized system, only responding with whatever is put into it.
  18. So, when the same box is posted elsewhere on the web along with a statement that it contains a bubble gum card, that's all the AI will answer with. Nevermind any of what's actually inside.
  19. It looks like a talking point regurgitater to me.
  20. Or, it's just going to guess, judging only by similar boxes found already on the web, which is the general pattern it exhibits.
  21. Does the speaker have the authority to unilaterally change the text of the Constitution, or make special exceptions to it? No.
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