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Walter Von Moo Moo

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Everything posted by Walter Von Moo Moo

  1. Never mind, that's just the Goodyear Blimp
  2. You can't think figuratively? It's also festering, lurking and ticking.
  3. Wonders what new cases they will be hearing over the next eight years. Then again, look at what a number of state legislators are proposing and debating right now. It's a lot of stuff that they never thought would be a thing at all just fifteen years ago, but there they are. If any of those bills pass, there will be intense challenges. "OMFG! That's just SO unconstitutional!"
  4. A whole discussion group on those subjects and didn't even bring wheelbarrow. No matter. All I need is the lady about thirty miles from here who grows tea every summer. I'm not farmer, but I still get the tea.
  5. Yup. In there, it was fully understood that you can't keep a party going on just Pepsi and potato chips. It was way out in the middle of nothing. No car? You couldn't get there unless you knew somebody that would drive you and six other people in a van held together with Bondo and bailing wire.
  6. Blah blah blah... It's all a conspiracy of Trump and Putin...
  7. Russia didn't have to affect any of it. We should have had our own sources, independent from any overseas purchase. We had been a net exporter, with our own production during the Trump Administration and our domestic pump prices were under two dollars. We're not producing jack now and so, all the other exporters can just charge whatever they want. What do you think is going to happen after Saudi Arabia finalizes an agreement with China to accept yuan for oil? Where would that put the petro dollar?
  8. Half of what they are, now.
  9. The covid restrictions didn't happen until the last few months of Trump's term. What accounts for everything before that?
  10. You never watched the tv series, "Criminal Minds"? Go get 'em, Penelope!
  11. And the message didn't reach Garcia.
  12. They're out somewhere, dancing on hats.
  13. So, what miracle rubber can't be punctured by a bullet?
  14. So, you must be a special NPR fan. Have a seat right over there, so you're close to the banjo playing bears.
  15. Congressmen get to order from a different menu. Some of them will live to a hundred and six.
  16. I dunno... Biden is older than 8 tracks and he still hangs around.
  17. Or anyone who doesn't like sports or hearing the same 15 songs played over and over on the other stations while they work vending tables.
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