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Everything posted by Toonamiguy321

  1. Reddit and 4chan completely torpedoed his career over a decade ago after a guy got booted from one of his shows and made a Reddit post about it which blew up into a compilation of times mc chris was an asshole. He never really recovered from that as people kept laying into him for it. His various attempts to damage control in the most ass way possible certainly didn’t help. He tried being like one of those comedians that roasts people in the audience, but he forgot to do the part where it’s funny and everyone, including the person being roasted, feels like it’s in good fun. He would just be a jerk to people and make them feel bad. But, all that was over 10 years ago and he has been mostly irrelevant since, so enough time has probably passed where he can try again with something new. A podcast is a pretty big step down from what he was doing.
  2. The safety picks seem about right. Only one I disagree with is expansion for Lazarus reruns. Either they cut a Rewind show, or they spread the show onto other days as we saw with Uzumaki. It baffles me why people continue to suggest forward expansion will ever happen again. If R&M couldn’t do it, nothing will. What Sunday is doing isn’t relevant, Toonami is in a pretty dire state right now and Lazarus at midnight is one of the only confirmed fixes coming. I do think the chance of Dr Stone has grown a bit as the 2/22 schedule is hidden. Seems pointless if Mashle is just continuing on. If that’s the case, I believe this season will have 4 separate cours, so there will be gaps where Mashle can come back. If the Rewind shows do end up expiring, I don’t think there will be open slot issues, as they will just cut what isn’t needed. Or they just fill them up with owned reruns. Those aren’t slots they would pay money to fill in, so theorizing how they fill/remove them isn’t as difficult.
  3. The big reveal is gonna be that the mushrooms come from the turtle, calling it now.
  4. I don’t know what their con schedule looks like this year, but I’d bet Primal S3 gets its release announcement live to the crowd at one. I wonder where Rick and Morty fits in though. It’s home for the past few seasons was Oct-Dec, but they have been running that “this year” promo live for over a month now. Is it coming sooner? Or is that just a reminder to the dumdum audience that it isn’t cancelled? Even as their biggest show, promoting it 10 months out seems excessive. I love how even official DMC content is pure meme kino. Cut the Netflix part and you would NEVER convince someone this is official.
  5. They have been at it for 35 years, they earned their retirement. And as they say, it’s not the usual meaning of “disband” where there is some kind of dispute among the members. They are just tired and ready to hang it up.
  6. I mean, Mashle did 227k last week. By modern standards that’s pretty solid. So there IS still an audience out there somewhere, they just aren’t tuning in to Toonami. It’s almost like the Toonami schedule is nearly all reruns and that doesn’t encourage people to tune in.
  7. It did always feel like originals were an insurance. As long as they existed, Toonami would also exist. But without them as premieres, and no acquired content, I don’t see a reason the block should continue on. I also agree that it feels like no one there cares anymore. They have an intern on Facebook duty and that’s about it. Unlike before where he clearly was still involved, it actually does feel like Demarco has been removed from the block entirely. Part of his reason for bailing on social media is because he won’t have the answers anymore and doesn’t want people to notice. Politics just makes for an easy smokescreen. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt on this, because I think a pure anime project like this has no appeal outside Toonami hours, but the more I think about it, the more things line up with it not being our premier. My latest realization? An April premier means that it’s waiting till Common Side Effects completes its run. I hope I’m wrong because if it actually isn’t a block premier, Toonami might drop down to a single premier show.
  8. Suddenly I’m motivated to keep this thread alive. I don’t know why. Anyway, remember how I said two weeks ago was a record low? Lmao https://programminginsider.com/saturday-ratings-abc-leads-the-night-with-nba-matchup-of-lakers-warriors/ 113/0.05 for Mashle, and 83/0.04 for One Piece. This year is gonna be the year we see double digits at midnight.
  9. We got numbers for the 11th too https://toonamifaithful.com/toonami-rating-for-january-11th-2025/ A dismal 132k for Mashle, the new record low for a lead show. But it did turn right back around, so hopefully that was just a hiccup caused by the 3 weeks the block took off its normal schedule. One Piece is getting cooked by the rerun hour before it, don’t know why they put so much stock into schedule consistency.
  10. I mean, them eating dicks doesn’t change that it’s exclusive. And selling one anime license to a dying cable network probably won’t move the needle on their financial problems so I doubt it’s even a consideration. Same with Jojo, Netflix has an exclusive contract for it for 25 years. They don’t need money and Toonami doesn’t have any money anyway. Just isn’t gonna happen. I’m sure Demarco WANTS it to happen, as you say, both shows have been on the block before, but wanting something isn’t enough. They don’t care about competition, they just don’t want to share their toys because why should they? Even if they COULD, it would be blowing a huge chunk of the yearly budget. Toonami isn’t just one show, they need a whole schedule.
  11. You don’t realize what you have till it’s gone. There was never delays or stalling, a show ended, a show was replaced. Every time, on time. You had to keep up with the block news much closer because show announcements would just drop at random. It was rare having to wait till the 2 week cutoff mark, but if it did reach that point, it never went over. It was easy to predict which Jump shows they would shoot for, but the block also had enough flexible slots that you had a curveball every couple months. Something like Blue Exorcist would never get on Toonami today because it’s not hyper popular Jump material. These days the safest prediction to make is “nothing” since the popular stuff is off the table and they won’t even try the less popular stuff. I do agree, come October Daima will be the first acquired show of the year and the smoothbrain audience will think we won huge.
  12. I usually don’t give them much credit, but I don’t think they would do us like this for an anime original. Western original? That’s a coin toss, we got half of Superman and IFG. And I’d argue Superman has the most prestige of any network original the block has aired and they still handed us the premier for the second season. Lazarus is a total unknown, and given Demarco’s track record so far, probably a failure, so they will try to extract the most from it by not dividing the audience. Later on, I could see it getting a marathon outside of Toonami hours, but I’m fairly confident the premier will land on Toonami. But now that I type it out, I realize we do have a chance of getting screwed with the sub/dub thing. I’m hoping R&M only got that treatment because it’s R&M and that’s not the norm for the future. Bleach is still exclusive to Disney so that shouldn’t be on anyone’s potential list. YYH is held by Crunchyroll. If that was an option, it would have been in Rewind’s launch roster. If it comes down to it and they have the choice between MHA and Daima, they would choose Daima every single time. They will always put full priority onto anything DB. The fees shouldn’t be equal. MHA S7 is pushing a year old now so it should be accessible. The question is, will CR sell it? Right now it certainly appears that door has closed.
  13. I’d expect it to be more than a fourth. The upcoming shuffle will be a slight revitalization to the block, but come mid summer when they need to do it all again? We will go right back into the shitter. A 2 week marathon run for Lazarus at minimum, same as Kamui got. Really, all hopes of block improvement hinge on the Rewind shows expiring in June. If they don’t, 4 slots are plugged up for good. Where does the obligatory Lazarus rerun go then? And the Primal S1-2 rerun in preparation for S3? Has to take one of the 3 flexible slots. And if BE does go into S2, that locks its slot down for the rest of 2025. I wouldn’t expect that, they seem to be very strategic with their originals so they can get the most mileage out of each one. The one exception was Uzumaki, but that’s because we waited 5 years to see it in October. And it’s not like R&M was a Toonami premier either.
  14. So here are some hypothetical scenarios for how they squeeze this onto the schedule. We don’t know when in April it’s gonna land, but I’d bet sooner rather than later since it’s also airing in Japan. 12 - new show (Mashle S2, Dr Stone, take your pick 12:30 - filler from March 15 - April XX. New show moves here when Lazarus starts Rest stays the same. Don’t know what filler option they would choose. If they were cool, this would be a great time to put Blue Exorcist on double speed to blow through that crappy filler stretch. And doing so means no other schedule adjustments are needed. 12 - new show (moves to 12:30 when needed) 12:30 - another new show (moves to 1 when needed) So where does Lazarus fit in here? If DBZ Kai is only licensed up to episode 47, it should be running out around April. Kai leaves, everything shifts down 30 minutes, Toonami returns to a tolerable 4 premiers. A longshot, but would do wonders for audience morale. There are worse options, like double reruns, a month of marathons, etc, but I’m willing to extend them a tiny bit of credit that it won’t get that bad. Otherwise, why move Mashle to the lead slot? S2 is the easiest answer to plugging that gap for a month.
  15. Ok, but how does this fit into the schedule puzzle? Even if this starts the first week of April, that still requires 3-5 weeks of stalling the only two upcoming open slots. I guess now we can consider Mashle hopping right into S2 at least since we will need something to hold down the lead slot for awhile longer.
  16. Yea we will never make it back above 3 premiers. 3 will be a special treat that happens occasionally, while 2 will be the expected normal. Probably late 2025 we will have some stretches where it’s just 1, but we can’t ever go lower than that until they pull the plug on OP. March will likely be one of those short stretches that put us back to 3 for a few months, as the placement of IFG and Mashle indicate replacements incoming. But then those shows end towards the start of summer and we hit another lull. The way the schedule is set up now seems to just be to stall until the next original is ready. But they don’t want to send an original onto center stage with no other premiers, since the other premier is usually the carrot on the stick to watch Demarco’s latest dumpster fire. I’d assume they are still operating on a 50 episode per year deal with OP, and doubling it up on week 1 of 2025 for 7-10 weeks is seen as too risky. They have enough problems as is without having to worry about OP running out of episodes in October. I expect them to start the process when Naruto and SM expire. We will probably have a marathon or something right after it happens, and the “new” schedule will come back 1 hour shorter. Then as the year goes on, we will see them chip away at other slots. We will get more dignity than Rewind, where people saw it was dead a week before they announced it was dead, but it will also be a slow crawl to the grave like we saw in 2008. Everyone knows it’s coming based on the state of the schedule, it just a matter of when it’s made official. There is still a pretty large group of defenders out there who rush to the blocks defense every single schedule update no matter how trash it is. They are a loud minority, mostly because people who would criticize the block have simply dropped it and no longer engage with it at all. But if you don’t know better and read the comments on the Facebook posts or Reddit, you’d think the community was ecstatic to restart Naruto and Sailor Moon. If we get a new show announced next month, those same people will take a “told you so” stance about how people just had to be patient. They will ignore the block being down to 2-3 premiers, and just act like it’s an absolute win.
  17. They could probably pull a little mileage out of renaming the anime section into Toonami. Doesn’t need animation or voice, just the name has value.
  18. It really isn’t even an inflation thing. People look at their cable bill and say, why the hell am I paying for this thing I rarely watch? Been that way for over half a decade now.
  19. “We will literally never air this anime stop asking me and go watch it somewhere else” ”Lol JK” ”W-why isn’t anyone watching?”
  20. And my reward for showing a tiny bit of optimism is being shit on. Having the entire Rewind schedule vomited onto Saturday is such a great way to start out 2025. I’m assuming this is a restart from episode 1, as R would have been worth noting and not putting in the very last slot. Now looking forward, it’s much harder huff hopium because the next free slots are over a month away. We are going to have to sit through that entire IFG rerun at 12:30. Well, I won’t, as I will watch Mashle and go to bed. 2025 is not gonna be a good year for this block.
  21. I guess that’s true, similar to how they don’t want to pull the plug on Checkered Past entirely as in the future, they may be able to put that branding back to use. I guess a compromise I would accept is heavily cutting Toonami’s timeslot so there is no false hope of it improving in the future, especially if internally they know they don’t intend to do much with it. If the block was cut to 1 hour next week, with Mashle and One Piece being the survivors, absolutely nothing at all changes for most viewers. But we can look towards the future with much less speculation and expectations. But, as I do expect a return to 3 premiers, I believe a 2 hour timeslot would be a better fit. That allows 2 rotating premiers, One Piece, and a flexible, but normally rerun slot. No extra fluff, no increased expectations. Just the bare minimum time for the bare minimum investment into the block they are willing to make.
  22. Its story is what held it back though because its story is really dull and incomplete. Shenmue got popular due to its gameplay, the GTA sandbox before GTA was a thing. Adaption wise, the anime stayed pretty true to the material, and it’s not its fault the material is boring. If they don’t want their stuff to premier on Toonami, at least give it the money to license stuff. And if that’s also too much to ask, put the block out of its misery.
  23. I dunno, that sounds little light on the action side of things. Sounds like it would be a better fit for normal AS. Though, it also sounds like Food Wars: Violence edition, and we had 5 seasons of that so we will probably end up with it.
  24. I suppose we don’t. I know nothing at all about the series, but from the assumptions I gather from the cover art, I assumed the getting of Jiro was action oriented.
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