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Everything posted by Toonamiguy321

  1. So after multiple years, SotB just returns from the shadow realm out of nowhere? It’s kinda funny how many times it has almost looked like ratings reports would die just for someone else to step into the role. Unfortunate that R&M isn’t being reported since that’s all most of us care about. But based on Demon Slayer, it seems to be one hell of a roller coaster. On 8/31 it held Demon Slayer down to a pitiful 100k. The following week, Demon Slayer is up to 209k. Evidence that subs are both disastrous and not a big deal. Guess we will see how other weeks pan out. Thankfully, Uzumaki is our premier, so if SotB stays in the game, we will get those numbers.
  2. Cool do a sendoff for Naruto during a show people skip, a week after Naruto is gone and those Naruto watchers are likely gone too! Excellent planning!
  3. Option 1 won’t happen. If we get Daima, we aren’t getting anything else because it will destroy the budget. We probably won’t see anything till spring at the earliest. Option 2 I could see just because they love to have their cake and eat it too so a Daima premier followed by rerun marathon fits. But, with the only other premier being One Piece, that’s not really even a loss anyway. Option 3 id give slim odds. They may or may not already have MHA secure somehow. If they don’t, see option 1. Option 4 id also rank at zero chance. As I said at announcement, if Rick and Morty can’t bump this block to 11:30, nothing ever will. That includes new DB. And again, there will be no further pickups if the block gets Daima. IMO every potential block should have IFG slotted on it until we see AS make a commitment to air it elsewhere. It absolutely does not belong on Toonami under any circumstances but it wouldn’t be the first time a vastly inappropriate for Toonami show has been forced onto it. Here’s a hypothetical to consider following up on your theory about Toei and timeslots. What if, purely to appease Toei, Daima premiers on Rewind and then has a Saturday encore? I know what you are thinking “that’s stupid!” “That’s not Rewind if it’s a premier!” AS does not give one single shit if it means they get the Daima deal. If you recall, a chunk of Super premiered at 8pm on Saturdays and then reran a few hours later on Toonami proper. AS is not opposed to doing something obtuse if it makes Toei happy to sign a deal.
  4. It’s 4, 22 minute episodes. Still will have to cram but it won’t be that tight. Strange how they claim Covid stopped its production for a year, yet the studio continued making other shows during Covid.
  5. There were a couple weeks in there where they didn’t update it for 2 weeks then just did two at once. We also had Labor Day this week so they didn’t do anything then. We currently have 2 nights unaccounted for. If we don’t see an update by Saturday it might be time to worry.
  6. Demon Slayer is still suffering from Demarco poisoning the well and tell everyone it would never air. That won’t clear up till the next arc, which came after we got Mugen Train. We have also yet to see how a Toonami without Naruto bait at the end does. In a bit of strange synergy, Daima starts the 11th. Toonami has R&M, DS and Uzumaki all end simultaneously on the 19th. Theoretically, Daima could start right on the 26th if they are serious about a simuldub but are also giving themselves a bit of holiday buffer time. Of course, that means skipping a Rick marathon, skipping an Uzumaki marathon, as well as semi locking themselves out of marathons (except Christmas and New Years) until Daima finishes its run. Is fresh Dragonball enough to make them make those sacrifices? Maybe. If Toonami is getting some kind of early deal, I’d wager we learn about it soon, that’s not news you sit on. IF they land it, I could see this being the post DST schedule. 12 - Daima 12:30 - Invincible Fight Girl 1 - One Piece 1:30 - One Piece 2 - MHA 2:30 - MHA As I have suggested before, DST as well as a DB pickup, would be the justification for cutting a rerun slot off the block. Not one person would question it or complain. Kai would be the cut show since it would be redundant, don’t want a Shippuden/Boruto repeat, and i assume they want to keep MHA moving. But of course, those are all big if scenarios. As you said, all big money players in the market are motivated to add this show to their catalogs, preferably with an exclusive deal. If the only deciding factor here was money, Toonami would already be out. If Toei is willing to influence the deal, that’s the only way Toonami can get a foot in. Option A (or any similar big money player like Netflix) landing the show and clearly blocking its shot at running on Toonami would be the best outcome. IF we get Daima, the block is going to suffer for months because they will likely shoot 4-6 months worth of budget directly into Daima. And they will just try to coast on it because it’s the new DB so why do they need anything else? It just going elsewhere isn’t enough. It needs to be like Jojo where there is a 0% chance of Toonami getting it so Demarco doesn’t spend years trying to make a deal for it like he did with Demon Slayer.
  7. There are plenty of other people with my same mindset who have zero investment in One Piece on Toonami and only sat through it to get to Naruto.
  8. Cmon Crunchyroll you block us from everything else, save us from this slop too.
  9. It really is liberating, isn’t it? For years, schedules would drop and it would be “sigh, I still gotta watch this crap cause Naruto is at the end”. Now, it’s freedom. Almost assuredly One Piece will become the eternal last premier, so the watchable part of Toonami will always be quarantined in the first hour to 90 minutes. Starting this week, the block starts at 12:30 and ends at 1. No more dancing around things on the schedule. So yea, why not take the rest of the year off? We ain’t missing nothing.
  10. 10/26 and 11/02 are definitely going to be nights off, but 11/02 might be the night they sneak in the 3a cut and return us to 3 hours. For some reason they are very averse to just cutting time. They have to do it in a sneaky way, and DST is a good confusing time to do it. Would Kai be the sacrifice? I’d hope so, but probably not. I doubt Rewind will ever take time off. It’s struggling enough as is, 1 week of habit breaking would be disastrous. But you know what, with us finally crossing the Naruto finish line, all of these unfavorable predictions are much less grating. For years, delays have been annoying because they put that finish line further down the road, often for no good or logical reason. But now we are here, and it’s just a feeling of zen. Thanks to Rick and Uzumaki, we are worry free on delays till October, so Demon Slayer has nothing to worry about. But after that, nothing is left. Absolute best case scenario is MHA shows up. There won’t be anything else. So who cares if the block takes a few weeks off? Take a couple months off even, they ain’t airing anything anyway. I’d say give us a nice reset in January, but we know even given 2 worry free months they still won’t get their shit together. I cannot put into words how liberating shaking off the Naruto chains is. It’s a whole new perspective on everything.
  11. Probably even moreso since they have nothing to replace it It’s not about the content of the show. It’s that it’s FIVE HUNDRED episodes long and somehow the block managed to air every single one across multiple business and administration restructures without someone coming in and cancelling it early, or the block failing and getting canned entirely. Yea, other shows didn’t get a sendoff, because other shows weren’t 500 episodes long. Iirc Bleach got a sendoff, and only the last quarter of that aired on Toonami itself. A lot of us are relieved to see it end, but that’s kinda lost in the fact it does not, and likely will not get a proper replacement. But, just because we are happy to see it go doesn’t mean we don’t want to see it given a little earned respect for airing in full. Especially, as Sketch pointed out, Blum was very recently in the studio for the R&M special intro and the indietrash game review. A singular 10 second comment by TOM/Sara at the start of the episode would have been enough.
  12. Usually I just like to joke about how mad I am but am legitimately disappointed by this. It didn’t have to be huge. TOM and Sara could have done a little “haha that was long huh” and that would have been enough. And I gave Demarco the benefit of the doubt the entire night. Ok it wasn’t in the intro, it’s 2 hours into the night after all Ok it wasn’t at the start of the episode because it’s a sendoff Ok it’s not at the end of the episode either… Really thought this would be a rare time Demarco follows through on a promise. But thank our stars we had time for another literally who indietrash game nobody cares about. We just don’t get enough of those these days, do we? Just you watch, come October they will port over OG Naruto or restart Boruto and Demarco will be like “Naruto didn’t need a sendoff cause it wasn’t going anywhere! :)”
  13. Can’t believe we actually made it. When this started and people calculated the end date, it seemed impossible. But now we are here, just a few hours away from the final episode. Need some perspective? When we sat down for the first episode, as well as the world premier of Space Dandy, Obama was still the president. How much things have changed since then.
  14. Long time Toonami fans have known this about him for a long time. He “loves” anime but also hates everything about anime people enjoy the most, most notably fanservice. Another problem he has is he has no idea what anime fans of the current year value. He is stuck in 1997 and refuses to leave, and then wonders why references and themes he copied from 90s anime is seen as a played out cringe by 2024 anime viewers. He is out of touch and has been for a long time. This is reflected both in his own projects and what is acquired for Toonami. It’s not just Demarco. Seems most western people who get involved with anime or anime ripoff projects make an active effort to remove all themes that actually make anime popular and replace them with western themes that can be credited for the death of western animation. And no matter what, these people perceive themselves as heroes for doing so and are baffled why all their projects fail.
  15. I mean, I expected lower, so I’m slightly surprised. This was week one though, a lot of people giving it a fair shake and not just writing it off without even touching it. But I have seen nothing but complaints so far, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this week isn’t too great. As far as compared to the rest of AS this year though, it’s already underperforming. This is the “big” release of 2024 and it’s already behind Smiling Friends and MAWS, and if Spoiler TV’s numbers from last week are to be believed, it’s WAY behind Psi Cops. And on the topic of last weeks ratings and Psi Cops, Spoiler TV listed 2 episodes with very healthy numbers, where those numbers from CN Schedules are significantly lower, however they do give Toonami a bump and a much more realistic Demon Slayer number. Do we really think Demon Slayer did better this week, but barely even made the charts? Unlikely. I don’t know if we will ever get a firm correction, but I think Spoiler TV’s 117k was way off the mark.
  16. Where did he pull those from? When I look at the chart, I see the bad numbers. That said, I’m more willing to believe those numbers than the lower ones, especially with everything so high on the chart this week.
  17. Holy shit lmao that’s a new record low by a huge gap. A little unfair since it’s the average of 2 timeslots, but I think even splitting them they still would have broken the record. Really goes to show how politics can rock this chart. This was a quiet week, nothing ridiculous happened. So despite those awful numbers, our 3 premier shows made the chart, at a pretty healthy ranking too. Next week is the DNC and its accompanying coverage, so we may not see any numbers if they are this bad. And with Rick subs up front tonight, they might be. Hopefully after that we can at least have a quiet September, but I’d expect the rest of the year to be pretty feisty on the news networks from October onwards. Im gonna put my bet down now. Double digits at midnight are on the table before 2024 ends.
  18. I want to look at nice wallpaper while the house falls apart. We have established that we are well beyond the point of preventing the house from crumbling, so just let me enjoy my final moments in it. Because I don’t care what happens, I ain’t getting out of this chair. No sir.
  19. 3 weeks of a 12 episode show is 1/4 of the show. Let’s stop acting like the audience can’t follow minor schedule shuffles. Back in the day it didn’t matter how close things were, when a slot was open, a slot was filled. If something had to move a few weeks later, it moved. It’s also not good to take 3 straight weeks off a 12 episode show but hey ho Zom wants to chat. The impending mess in November is why this development is bad news because they have never once in their history handled a multi slot shakeup well. The 3 lead slots? Unprecedented. They may use DST as a shroud for a 30 minute cut as they have done in the past, but unlike my desire for that to be a rerun, it would instead be a premier. But even then, I’d still expect them to drop the ball on just 2 replacements. And then when they do, you guys will pivot to “well, you can’t expect them to start a new show in November, come on think of the marathons!” IF we get them. And then the follow up question, when? If MHA is the baseline, we may have a 2-3 month wait until the ENTIRE season is dubbed before Toonami can air them. 2-3 months of stalling, not filling the time in logically. It “works” if you give a shit about One Piece on Toonami. Which now, without the Naruto shaped carrot on a string, many people no longer have to. For those people, it’s a dead hour. Or bedtime, since there is nothing of value after it either. The sane people in the audience are one and done watchers. If Toonami has no fresh offerings, that’s encouragement to limit viewership, or just not tune in at all. The stalling efforts slowly but surely erode long term viewers who grow weary of the same song and dance over and over, and as it repeatedly happens it becomes more and more apparent to even the biggest optimists that the block will never branch out to fill time.
  20. It’s absolutely nothing, especially since this year every time double OP shows up it’s a “pay it forward” scam where it also has to be removed entirely for as many weeks as it aired double. Contracting the block is preferable to the blue balling. We don’t need 7 slots if they refuse to utilize 7 slots. Demarco promised us he had a plan in place for Shippuden ending. Yes, it was foolish of me of all people to put ANY stock into a single syllable Demarco uttered, but I did and now I’m mad. Uzumaki isn’t an excuse. We are still at 4 premiers when we should be at 5, so that could have just taken the Ninja Kamui opening.
  21. Checkered Past and Rewind are in danger regardless. Rewind in particular I wouldn’t mind seeing hit the bricks because it’s clearly holding back Saturday. And we also have to consider the possibility of AS taking 4, or even 3pm. People will argue, “no way!” but they said the same thing for 7, 6 and 5pm too. In that scenario, Checkered Past and Rewind can continue on while also opening up more need for more Fox filler. Id love for them to spend more on Saturday Toonami. But they won’t. Even without FG, they will more likely just stick that extra money away over letting Toonami have any extra.
  22. You said you don’t want to see them spend the money on FG. I have no idea if they can afford it or not. Seeing as it’s airing on CC, I’m guessing not. My counterpoint is if they do NOT get FG, what do they spend the money on then? It’s obviously not going into Toonami.
  23. You know what they say about Carl Central, they didn’t care about these shows till we started watching em. You know they aren’t gonna cut time. If anything, we should expect them to get MORE time. Idk how long their contract for Futurama is, but I’d guess they are gonna let that lapse since seemingly did not pan out for them the way they had hoped. I just don’t know what else you expect them to do with the money. At the very least, Family Guy helps the entire network. Maybe not as much as the old days, but it’s reliable content.
  24. It looks like someone wanted to do an action show but with the R&M cast. The actual lore isn’t relevant. For example, we see Jerry in his orb power suit from the Pissmaster episode. Likely just to give Jerry a place in the action. There isn’t a point. It’s a popular title and making popular title into DA ANNIE-MAY is the hot meme right now.
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