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  1. Ok. This is new area for me…. Hence I will tread lightly There was no bat boy I can recall from the comics
  2. Who indeed? but I appreciate your zeal. so you know I am traversing state law to reply to you
  3. I know not what I do. I can write and all that but give me a sickle and hammer and I’m three sheets to the wind 🎃
  4. Bat boy is as DCs bullet sponge like Hanna Barbara’s Scrappy Doo perpetuates pit bull hatred.
  5. 🎃 see he’s all lonely
  6. PoopyBritches


    The mark of the beasht
  7. See, that’s “brand loyalty.” See if we can’t retain some of those limey values, formerly yankee, formerly British values.
  8. Well zoomykhat, the media just wouldn’t have a thing to talk about without Trump. Good thing you flagged that for us. I know this is probably aiding the neo-con fodder mill but I’ll keep my opinion between me and God. That way I’m safe from inclusion
  9. Yea here we go about to cultivate another fugue state inspired Reagan commemoration so we can all breathe easier knowing this is a military state focused on bolstering the military industrial complex and not our schools, utilities and retirement
  10. Skyy
  11. Don’t quit your day job. I know you must feel empowered to take on ANY establishment like it wasn’t a direct threat to your own well-being. Being a cog ain’t bad. You get kick backs at opportune times and don’t have to report to any gnarly outpost like some sort of … you know, I think the threshold has been reached. If I risk life and limb to achieve some sort of personal goal, it’s only one more step to sainthood or martyrdom. Those are extreme examples. You won’t know til you blow….. personally, I like having skin and not dragging my body on the cement.
  12. And this is a burrito.
  13. Why would someone do something like that?
  14. Wow what an entry into the unknown.
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