would be enough to fill a tanker ten times over with stable nuclear flux. It's funny to listen to old anime that has been dubbed to sound like American language. The characters are nearly always focused on minute things happening around them. I can't help recalling this bit from Akira where an artist wrote a tirade about his job under the word "warning."
Also, what's with the concept of living furniture? Yes, your couch may have been alive once but it's doubtful the things you're hearing are more inanimate objects talking and less a latent case of schizophrenia.
If Japans culture departments think Americans lack cognition, why don't they remake the entirety of GI Joe with internal dialogue.
Lastly, I want to announce my public admission of affection for Matoko Ryuki (not a phishing attempt they only exist in my mind) and want to invite them to repopulate the demonic version of Earth. Call me off the side whoopdee, k?