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Everything posted by Farg

  1. Are these the Israelites on their way to pilgrimage?
  2. Got damn boby, this shit be real meat off the fritter.
  3. On this 375th episode of Wacky Racers, Mutley ruptures his bladder in a car crash after trying to solicit Penelope Pitstops attention. Rut roe!
  4. filter out the tender reeds spit at a snowman pronounce jelly the wrong way quickly adjust my moral aptitude toss one in on the sly kept my folks guessing hacked my high schools broadband pushed back my cuticles had ham sandwiches thrice in one day trim the fur between my pets toes jumped my huffy over a turtle gotten mega greazy been late for dinner assailed a stone pillar
  5. But it’s never been summed up in twenty words or less.
  6. This is Burger King, how can we grapple your assgoblins?
  7. Mecha frog and Bangman are out for blood. And tomorrow it could be your doorstep.
  8. Was it entertainment when Andre the giant broke hia ankle getting out of bed? Or when mankind face planted from a range of speakers? How about when Chyna popped a disc in her neck doing backward somersaults? This stuff is rarely funny. But that’s why it’s real.
  9. Pickard, now streaming on Amazon Prime
  10. All was calm for a minute, the silver horns and trench beatles stood in awe, another sign of the awakening. Then out of the blue, a soldier in blue took the reigns. He was undamaged, a rare sight. However, he could not sustain the demon spawn inside him. He took a left, then a right, then looked skyward for a cry of vengeance. There were none to oppose him. None to kajole him. Now he would be the meat, upon which thousands of his compatriots had ascended decide.. now I will have my death…. ?. 🤗
  11. Geno Awakens- The Versions
  12. Zero (From “Mega Man X3”)- Arcade Player
  13. Driver 8- REM
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