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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. Butteryheaux Puppetclown
  2. Deorge Rishmisshin
  3. Dencine Sandalladreams
  4. Dustmite Clownoctopipe
  5. Grimshen Duskeletome
  6. Swamplour Humpberkinthyme
  7. Erstwhenst Haypatchtaplees
  8. Denbar de Ogurlouvin
  9. Thurston McPantmuffins
  10. Doomeddle Almaculate
  11. Stripsleam Ripmockulox
  12. Slipshane Gocellulose
  13. Christring Speckmacular Spritsteen Checkmarketine
  14. Whomstead Goobertacles
  15. Well we can't all break our backs doing the work and changing the world like you do, idle banker - chiding other Republicans like yourself who haven't yet switched over to voting Dem within the last few years, and staking these bad boys in your yard... Thank you for your service, sir! What would the women in your life do without you bravely fighting for them not only in the voting booth, but also in the Ukraine thread!
  16. Oh, for a second there I thought Ham Station was the name of Hog Mansion
  17. This is so clownish 🤡 We have here a 2016 Ben Carson Republican shaming a 1964 Goldwater Republican for not "fighting for the woman they love" by.....voting for the Democratic party LMAO. That's not what "fighting" means, your piddling little voting ritual amounts to even less than all of the nothing you do politically all year long while waiting to spew your impotence into the voting booth. The Dems have never fought for these women you love and they're going to get BTFO in November anyway...this entire tack is just repulsive. Also isn't this thread about fucking Ukraine? Circus smells all around.
  18. I never tip at buffets but the one I go to you serve yourself on everything, drink refills included, so there's no wait staff to tip. Not just gonna tip the establishment by paying extra for buffet access.
  19. "Blah blah blah, the US military rules supreme so tubby rich white guys in America should always get to dictate everything that happens on every piece of land on the entire planet on penalty of war"
  20. Here's a better idea, do this all the time since we throw away more shit than people even use anyway
  21. Ukraine getting Btfo But what's this, more fake money otw!!! Haha, that'll show Putin what is what.
  22. The most widely hated and visibly corrupt people in America and the Dems make them their party figureheads for twenty years and marshal the full waste of the American military to solidify their open corruption, hmm how does this work
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