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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Sounds like a frisky pussy.
  2. This is what you get for propagating Western cosplaying. I hope you learned your lesson.
  3. Brick. Diarrhea. Fart.
  4. True, but she chose to say "said" instead of "says," so it implies the first encounter instead of Ash's habits.
  5. You know I'm really happy for you, but I'm pretty sure Ash never says that. He gets Pikachu because he was late and all the other starter Pokemon had already been taken.
  6. I'll stop fucking around now. Nothing I said here was serious. All I feel I can tell you is that these boards aren't the best place for you to vent, unless you enjoy the useless banter and mockery and it helps you.
  7. Key word: SOME. Most have bad hygiene. Just like some other conditions, there exists a spectrum with high-functioning cosplayers at one end.
  8. The poor hygiene exhibited by the average Western cosplayer should be proof enough of its depravity. Please seek help.
  9. Western cosplaying is getting its own segment as a mental illness in the next edition of the DSM.
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