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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Happy belated birthday!!
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. What if the long con is just getting me to church? XD
  5. y'all, I can't assume, he told me he is a good christian boi, and my crazy atheist ass might be too much .xD
  6. Maybe, it can be an overwhelming city if you don't speak the language. I still haven't planned how I'm gonna see dem pyramids yet. It's like 30 dollars I think. XD
  7. Now I'm afraid of the long con. Cause we are talking about getting my phone a sim card to have internet out here. And I'm like, was this a sale all along, no way, a cute 21 year old local wants to hang out and be my friend. Should meet up with him to get the sim card? >__>
  8. Yo these dynamics are making me a little nervous. So like, it is a majority Muslim nation. But they have a Christian minority. They well fitted washed out jeans guy that was being so nice to me announced that he was one of these Christian minorities. And I've noticed a pattern with other travelling friends that these Christian minorities tend to be the ones that are kind and reaching out to westerners for help when they need it here. You can tell because they take on Christian surnames. He asked if I was a Christian, and I said I don't believe in anything. And then asked if I should say that in front other people here.
  9. Shiit maybeeee ~ Girl, Idk what to say or do. We having a boring conversation about sim cards and internet connectivity. How does one have game?
  10. Yo he is messaging me right noooow!!!!
  11. OH, I WILL. I got some Egypt themed pics I've been wanting for years. >__> It just seemed like a really peaceful thing to do after being kicked out and harassed for 2 years. I really like onsens and how cheap and easy it is to get things there. But I also think the drama at my house was scaring my friend from there, so I didn't want to spring the plan on her when she was feeling anxietic in the house. Plus, they weren't gonna open to April, and honestly I just had to leave the bay, I couldn't take it anymore of my friends betraying me over time. Which sucks, cause I did do those stupid restorative justice meetings, and they actually said I was right about everything. That the people kicking me out were abusing power, but it doesn't change what happened, and they feel too bad about their actions to actually want to make things better for me. They doing everything they can to try to erase me. So I just really needed to leave the country. XD
  12. This young man was very cute! #>_># I got scammed and was driven to a different part of town that wasn't my hostel. My driver lied to me and took charged me extra. So I went to the nearest shop where he was working. He knew a decent amount of english and gave me his phone data to find my place, and even got me an uber. They were like body fitting stylish washed out jeans. #<__<#
  13. Yeah my friends in berk and family gave me cash right before I left, so I looked like a dam fool when bills were slipping out of my bag at the airport this morning. I did do a currency exchange and now that I have my room I can lock up some things I suppose. But I do have a travel purse I bought a long time ago that has metal mesh wire than cannot be cut with a blade surrounding it. And it's a crossbody bag, so I feel pretty secure with that thing.
  14. I'm here, in CAIRO, RIGHT NOW! Yes, I bought a one way ticket like 3 days ago, just got here this morning. I am in Egypt homies!!! I have a room in a hostel for 12 days, the world is literally my ashtray!! And my messy bitch ass here is out here, making dumb decisions!! Got scammed this morning, got the number of a cute 21 year old local because he felt bad I got scammed. XD And walked along the nile today. I'm going to the museum tomorrow! Thinking of being here for 3 weeks, and then maybe flying over to Greece. Idk, I got 4 months to do whatever the heck I want!! ahahahahahahashsht4jhslkjghRSgh;uWJHG'oRWh
  15. The phrasing implies it was an act. = >_> =
  16. ZOMG nuuuu. = >_< = Das seems liek a rly bad tiem. =T_T= I hope things get better for chus here! ~~~~~<3
  17. Also this post really made me laugh harder than I hinted. But yeah, there were a lot of little quirks of that community.
  18. I mean, I'll just wait at the border, sleep in line for the next day. And be first the next day for their quotas. And that's a covid related warning.
  19. Let me know when you figure it out ok, asking for a friend.
  20. God damn fucking weebs
  21. lol I just wanna say, I was legit kicked out for being a physical threat to some of these berkeley kids. I'm talking about muscular rock climbers! 🤣 I did shout things at them, but never pointed weapons at them. Regardless, they are still trying to ban me from the community for being intimating and a threat! I'd like to see a fucker try! 🤣 Considering it, I also just signed up for a house sitting website that lets you watch houses all around the world too.
  22. You can easily rent an apartment in Japan for less than $800. I have found less, I also know how to budget food there. And have a enough to make the money stretch. It's just the last minute planning that is going to stress me out the most. But it's kinda worth it for an opportunity like this, plus I'm so over Berkeley!! 🤣
  23. I've been to Japan, I understand the pricing. I also remember thinking I could easily survive there longer than 2 weeks. I was also literally kicked out of my housing in Berkeley for being intimating. I'll like to see some perverted fucks try to pick on me, when I fucking scare muscular rock climbers here!! 🤣 But since I'll be in a different country, if any man tries anything, I'll just shout at the top of my lungs that a man is being creepy, and I'm certain they will back away. I can be very loud. XD
  24. I found housing for rent under $700 a month. Totally doable. I have a friend who lives in Osaka but will be working in Tokyo in June. I've already been to japan about 3 years ago, and know that I can navigate the subways systems and know I can already travel around the country without help. I actually had to help my partner get unlost last time I was there. XD And I know how to budget for food over there as well. The real trouble is finding a place to stay in Berkeley for 2 more weeks.
  25. I literally am a suicidal person who was kicked out of their housing in berkeley. Kimmie boy doesn't scare me that much more than living in Berkeley during a pandemic. 🤣 Luckily I only have one tattoo, and it's small enough to fit under a piece of duct tape, which I hear is allowed in onsens. ^___^
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