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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. I feel certain most people would feel relieved when I was gone, they make it known I'm a burden. I know cause I hear the gossip lol
  2. I know a move worst. Calling the cops on a suicidal person, made my family hate me of course, this was way back about a few years ago. But idk, took alot of drugs now.
  3. For normie poasts?
  4. A lot of people don't like assuming personal responsibility. Its why we got a lot of racists running around for trump. Which is of course is more depressing, and thought of me ruining their day is enough to keep me alive. I love being an asshole.
  5. living
  6. Quite honestly, society needs to change before they do shit like that, people like this are just born to early, I'm sure in a more "progressive" time people will care about mental illness but no one gives a dam right now, all they can say is, "same".
  7. I was just posting a thought after I met a councillor, but I see it has worried people, sorry.
  8. I like alot of beauty youtube videos. lol I think they are fun
  9. Well there are a couple of leagues circulating right now that others claim is much better than the WWE. Alot of people enjoy New Japan Pro Wrestling, and also Lucha underground. I was getting back into the WWE personally. I like that they are gonna have an all women's royal rumble this Sunday. Ronda Rousey might make an appearance.
  10. WRASSLIN and watching once upon a time. <3
  11. Not necessarily Helium, it's just my breath molecules are naturally similar to the properties of helium in that they are both lighter than air.
  12. I have the capacity to fill up ballons to carry Carl Fredricksen's house out into the sky.
  13. He is trying to capitalize on all the NFL protests right now. Vince McMahon is best fwends Donald Dumps, so he already gots a presidential supporter, and probably hoping to shuffle the Trump fanbase into is XFL. He is already making promises that there absolutely be no forum to speak publicly about police protests and probably will force players to sign ridiculous contacts. So it will be more extreme in limiting freedom of speech. People are already protesting the nfl for "allowing" players to continue with the protest. While I don't know if it will work, clearly Mcmahon does have a plan going on here, and also think where the biggest football fans are regionally. Plus he has been talking alot about online streaming, probably cheaper than network but he is experimenting with it on Facebook right now.
  14. Best of luck you can do this girl!!! I want to go to grad school too.
  15. No, I just keep building a high freaking tolerance since I do the oil version of it. I miss those days. lol
  16. It's like 9 for me I think. lol
  18. I love how Bill Gates in here.
  19. I know she has done fast and the furious and I think entourage, so I'd say she is interested. lol
  20. Yeah I had believed Stephanie signed the contracts with her awhile ago. Although not considered a real pure sport, wrestling as a career in "Sports Entertainment" provides ample acting opportunites that have launch stars into some of the highest paid stars of Hollywood. Like Bautista, Cena, and The Rock ya jabroni. I wouldn't be surprised if that was her real goal, especially since she gained a lot of fame when she was in Wrestlemania etc.
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