Ya'all just pop in waiting for an "excuse" for something interesting to happen, or missing that one poster you like, but then they lurking too, waiting for you.
Everyone here is so damn cynical, and you just spread it further around. I see some people trying to shitpost their way to some happiness and people just want to shut that down to as if it makes them feel better about their own shitty lives. Idk, I guess it's easier to live a cynical life because then you don't have to put in the extra work. I don't think some people understand, that not some people can just accept the terms of their life, some have suicidal thoughts, and cynicism is the final excuse to just end it. Then I know some jerks willing to claim darwinism and all that, but it's just isolating people, nothing to do with the survival of the "fittest".
But feel like it's no wonder people don't post as often.