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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Which ones? I just finished the series My love story! really innocent cute stuffs.
  2. Oh and a place to rest your head and food, cause I guess if we were really to talk about the horrors of the world there are children dying from starvation everyday, yet we managed to be worried about 1st world problems on a daily business while there atrocities going around the world but hey!, lets keep focusing on this bad event in this thread instead of the countless others discussing this actual topic.
  3. Hey free handout candy is always good!
  4. Ya'all just pop in waiting for an "excuse" for something interesting to happen, or missing that one poster you like, but then they lurking too, waiting for you. Everyone here is so damn cynical, and you just spread it further around. I see some people trying to shitpost their way to some happiness and people just want to shut that down to as if it makes them feel better about their own shitty lives. Idk, I guess it's easier to live a cynical life because then you don't have to put in the extra work. I don't think some people understand, that not some people can just accept the terms of their life, some have suicidal thoughts, and cynicism is the final excuse to just end it. Then I know some jerks willing to claim darwinism and all that, but it's just isolating people, nothing to do with the survival of the "fittest". But feel like it's no wonder people don't post as often.
  5. Well then it is better to lurk to secure the job
  6. What are odd looks for a cat?
  7. I never thought of it like that, but I'm not the most patient person.
  8. I kinda have ADHD tendancies too. I can't focus on one task lately, and or just get so moody, I stop doing what I'm doing. But idk
  9. You and everyone else!
  10. I KNEW IT! Everyone always complains no one they like is on, but has everyone else consider that everyone is just lurking?
  11. Personality? What kind?
  12. Hmm so you can live your whole life with nothing else but your lamp?
  13. I saw I have a vote, but I'm split between deciding, I'm normally in love with the idea of love ever since I was a child, but my depression has hit me really hard this year, I feel numb to most things, I guess I could also vote happy for others. Don't like to eat to much candy cause my family has a history of diabetes.
  14. Or society could start to focus more on mental illness, something that alot of people like to glaze over when there is discussion about it. More funding, and more regulation on guns could help in the future.
  15. I guess you can start spoiling her more now, idk. Things are gonna be hard for a bit though. <3
  16. I'm trying to spread some type of positivity on the boards myself. But the dam shooting does suck, when I 1st heard the news, I thought it wasn't an accident on Valentines, alot of people have pent up anger and resentment on this day.
  17. Thank yous!!! <3
  18. I think that qualifies for the geniunely happy for others category, but I dramatized it.
  19. Too the top? If you can sure!
  20. Now that is certainly something great that love you back! My money goes towards spending for it. lol
  21. I love tabbys. I used to have one when I was a kid.
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