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Everything posted by granzchesta

  1. The Williams Street logo scared the crap out of me as a child.
  2. I can't help but feel that the preview is just gonna be misleading. Such a cliffhanger!!!
  3. Dragon Maid 4 Rakugo S2 5
  4. I consider Dragon Maid to be the best new anime. Rakugo is best sequel, although it's the only sequel I am watching atm besides YowPeda. But still! You should give ACCA a try
  5. Watched latest Rakugo yesterday. Forgot to mention. Minami Kamakura 4 It's nice to have this and YowaPeda air in the same season. YowaPeda is intense and exciting at times and Minami Kamakura is refreshing. If only it aired after YowaPeda!
  6. But it is better
  7. My Neighbor Asked Me to Watch His Dog While He Studies Abroad, but the Dog is Actually a Shapeshifting High School Student?
  8. Demi-chan 4 Seiren 4 Honestly surprised those two didn't drown in the ocean.
  9. What does that have to do with Mob?
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvpnxqaaOM
  11. Update: I'm all caught up. It's even got lesbian lewd. This is also the only show I've elected to watch via non-legal streaming (fuck amazon). Take that for what you will.
  12. Kuzu no Honkai 2-3
  13. I've only seen episode 1 but it's waaaay more lewd than I anticipated.
  14. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 3 I think this episode settles it. Best of the season!
  15. It's hardly subtle after a while.
  16. Kind of. Also curious to see if the other girls are different from Tsuneki.
  17. Seiren 3 This is still cringe. Idk why I'm still watching.
  18. That poor coffee house owner Minami Kamakura Bike Club 3 YowaPeda S3 3
  19. If that's it, I completely missed it.
  20. It's been driving me crazy that the kid's name hasn't even been brought up at all (if he has one). Maybe the next episode will clear that up.
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