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Everything posted by Ahutz

  1. got hav'd.
  2. Thanks ghost admin. A lot.
  3. Let's see. I have StarCraft 2, Dragon Age Origins, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crysis, Assassins Creed 3, and Fallout 3 GOTY. They are newish, never been registered and sell for a pittance of what they were originally worth.
  4. It looks we have reached an en passe
  5. Ahutz

    wc jc et al

    a herp a derp a derdiderk
  6. Ahutz

    wc jc et al

    Shit really, I thought it was Quakecon.
  7. Ahutz

    wc jc et al

    Have you ever found yourself drawn to a place you couldn't escape? Not to make this a dream interpretation necessarily, but I digress, lest the strength that becometh cast me back in. I found myself on the outskirts of a great accident. Neither myself, nor the person I encountered, who happened to be a 40s something female, could make sense of what happened. We empathized. Soon after the incident and several drinks, I emoted to her. After the annexing of our thoughts and proceeding coitus, she told me something very revealing and I guess I blacked out. When I had awakened, I was next to a refinery. This is where the story loses perspective. I found an empty apartment, entered and proceeded to defecate into a handbag. Then I climbed to the top of an oil tank. I hit a person with an axe that was trying to assail me from my position. Then I heard a young voice calling me from below. It ended up that I was being warded and soon after I fell into a pit. The grass pad around me had three white silver walls. I could not find a door or any means of leaving the place. The story left me with no timeline, no recourse and no hope of escape. Until now. Anyway, if anyone has some advice or insight into this "situation," please feel free to post :)
  8. Not as much, to say that this theme makes me think of better times
  9. Jûs'choose: roster community That and ????
  10. I want my name to be Ahutz. Most please and many thank you.
  11. https://images.app.goo.gl/12y8WNuCSNdZQ6fG6https://images.app.goo.gl/12y8WNuCSNdZQ6fG6
  12. I have a life bro. But you know everything about that. Dun'cha?
  13. what are you implying?
  14. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ The toolbar needs a companion ok. Sorry. My bad.
  15. Nevermind I caught that. Teehee U
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/tSw11XgPZhr2DGbNA
  17. I don't know man.
  18. I don't need any more strife in my life, so sit and spin for an hour @noodbabyfox, baba o'reily, matze meal. If there is any confusion, check those bells, where you bought em, and when you got em!
  19. Ahutz

    i get it now

    I'm glad.
  20. Ahutz


    Ok Revanchist Subpopcpu.
  21. Ahutz


    Based on what? I need evidence and not opinion.
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