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Invisible man

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  1. They are dead and I'll kill them again if necessary.
  2. I suppose I have to have some indication that you've inserted yourself.
  3. What was the first thing?
  4. The toilet
  5. Acid.
  6. So wait, the customer isn't always right? My whole world is shaken right now. Seriously though people suck.
  7. So many Interweaving plot lines
  8. The mind set I have as well.
  9. Agreed, bending over backwards has never ever helped me get a promotion. It was funny when they gave it to a coke head though, some how they didn't know he had a problem. Good times.
  10. Oh I agree, I'm just like why do we have to frame doing the job you were hired and agreed to do and just that be labeled as a form of quitting? Like what kind of Jedi mind fuck is that?
  11. I read about it and just fucking wow. I'd link to a article but they all have useless fluff in them, but it basically boils down to just doing your actual job description and nothing more. Crazy when doing the job you were hired for and just that during contracted work hours is called quitting. Found a pic of some tweets that sum it up nicely.
  12. Fuck I'll be honest I forgot about a lot of these because we have SO FUCKING MANY. Reading this thread just made me sad all over again. Fucking dumbass ass old white men who are clinging to power anyway they can using people who have been lied too their whole lives as a stepping stone to keep said power.
  13. I don't watch adult swim anymore so I guess that's different.
  14. That's the move I remember and it seems like it's still working out well for you. Happy to see things going well for you man.
  15. Yes sir I am. I recall you moved but you may have relocated again in my absence.
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