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Everything posted by Nabreezy

  1. Ana TS
  2. Sounds like it's time for USA to GTFO out of Erbil then before it gets BTFO
  3. Have the admins had time to think about this? I would like to one again bring up the clown emoji for consideration. I know it would sure save me a lot of posting if I could just hit the clownface react and move on.
  4. Lmao you ogrely fake fucking mod cunt

  5. The avatar alone does enough of that
  6. Basically, yeah.
  7. I've killed people
  8. The man is too busy with man things to waste more than five minutes fucking pussy. 5 minutes is all she gets and she better not act out of line by calling ever
  9. Lmao this dusty mf trying to explain why he can't keep a woman.... "Gave her the trash dick on purpose" FOH no one's buying it
  10. Sting vs Jeff Hardy rematch when?
  12. Heard!
  13. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/03/01/chris-hedges-the-greatest-evil/ Lynn - "Russia was baited into war but that does not absolve its criminal act of aggression."
  14. Smokin'
  15. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BB12yzwYSr0
  16. Add your name if you are 5'7 tall
  17. This basically sums up why America is such an awful place to live Maybe bedbug hostels?
  18. Nvm about my question. Japan sounds cool mostly and like how you've described about being safe and people minding their business, my American friend there has told me some creepy stories from her few years there teaching English though. And it sounds shitty dealing with their bureaucracies and like healthcare system and stuff if you can't speak the language or as an American in general, not that you should need any of that.
  19. You really gotta hand it to Russia
  20. I mean...
  21. B@Sick Bae Lit Bitch young stout Raz da ma Tazz Chris Crêpe 35' Skyline Capital ARN/Big ARN (Always Rest Never) José Clockrider
  22. ???
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