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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i wear briefs sometimes cause boxer briefs seem kinda redundant with really short pajama shorts, but every other time i wear them.
  2. it sounds stupid, but i dont really like smoking during the summer. its too hot to do anything.
  3. on the plus side, the character creator makes it impossible to make an ugly character, so its great for LARPing as a lesbian with the tsundere army girl at the beginning of the game.
  4. origins is considered the best in the series, inquisition has the same problems andromeda did with the added bonus being that gameplay is very unappealing and the story is hit and miss. combat is really fucking repetitive and the setting/general atmosphere of the game just makes it feel like an offline mmo. id say go back to origins if you want to give the series a try.
  5. my ears when this whole song ahhjjjj
  6. miss the bantz tbh
  8. the REAL drake [yt] [/yt]
  9. tbh a big part of even finding someone is actually putting yourself in positions to be found. back in my neet days idk how i managed to think i'd ever get a gf. and i still don't have one, but going to school and the park every now and then puts me in a better position vs sleeping in until 6 pm. which i still do, but i do other stuff now too.
  10. dota 2 in late 2012 was maximum comfy/fun. reddit hadnt hiroshima'd it yet and the community's toxicity hadnt gotten old by then. valve actually cared about the community too. and the meta wasnt as boring as it would be during the next two years. battlefield 3 was great too. i used to play it all day then skyrim all night when they came out. mw3 wasnt bad either, but i played bf3 a ton more. i have a lot more, but this is already tl;dr and i doubt anyone gives a shit
  11. do you mean like your sleep schedule is multiple 3 hour sleep or just 3 hours? i used to have 2 4 hour sleep sessions. im not sure how long is too long to be considered a nap.
  12. i stopped taking naps cause i felt weird afterwards. groggy and light headed somewhat, i dont really know why. i feel tired after long ass sleep, but rarely nauseous like when i would take naps/power naps.
  13. im fatigued but not tired if that makes sense
  14. ive lost a lot of interest in things i normally do to pass the time. thank christ for the summer classes im taking or id do nothing but work out and sleep for 19 hours like that one time during the winter
  15. i havent got shit to do, but i dont really feel like sleeping
  16. what did they mean by this
  17. when was zenis birthday?
  18. really wish they didnt do away with the 360 app. used to use it all the time and got introduced to a ton of music i still listen to that way. but yeah, the layout is very awkardly intrusive. im guessing they wanted something more modern, but the old one was good enough. though scrobbling didnt work sometimes, it was far better than how it is today. i havent checked the forums, but im guessing they screwed that up to.
  19. yeah idk what the fuck they were thinking, site was unuseable for me for about 2 years or w/e they started gulaging it. though im ive only been on mobile since so maybe its still really bad.
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