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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. as a perma-single faggot with no prospects on the horizon, i live for this shit familia. [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  2. 1 was very lifeless and uninspiring. multiplayer was ok, but even that felt boring after a while
  3. every song the dude has just sounds the same
  4. what about guys' capri jeans?
  5. one piece is a legitimatley bad series. ive tried to atleast keep up once in a while just to see how bad it gets, but jfc. 800 chapters, storylines are left to "lol dont worry bro its oda's big tease!", fucking stupid villians, literally no character development or even characterization resembling the character actually having experienced something memorable in the near thousand fucking chapters of their adventure. humour weirdly injected into arcs. the anime covers half a fucking page per episode, not even kidding, this has actually happened. plot points go unresolved on for well over a hundred chapters and by the time something does happen with them, why would anyone give a shit anymore. i still watch marineford once in a while just to laugh at how badly everything is resolved and knowing what comes after, holy fuck i hate this series. tokyo ghoul was ok, i didnt mind the edginess and the people complaining about it being pretentious got to a point where they were more pretentious than anything the series did. breaking bad is boring af after the 3rd season. i dont understand how people kept watching and thought it was as good as the previous seasons. lana is the most talented pop artist this generation. surpassing even kate bush tbqh. i hate ed sheeran.
  6. i shouldve asked them how much for the blockbuster sign
  7. i really wish blockbuster was still a thing. the last one near here closed 3 years ago.
  8. wew are you me. the only way i was able to play m rated games was when someone other than my parents took me to blockbuster or gamestop. i remember begging my mom a whole month to let me get fallout 3. i still remember getting home from gamestop and playing nonstop the rest of the day. fun times
  9. i think fallout 3 did exploration better than new vegas but that may be just my bias from playing on a toaster.
  10. one of things i like about not living in a major city is the less intense driving. even when i took some family downtown for the christmas parade, i was dreading the driving the whole 2 hours of the show. lmfao holy shit, theres a whole subreddit dedicated to this
  11. m8 i had that ronaldo fauxhawk going on when i was like 11.
  12. im pretty short so i could never play basketball, football was always really boring to play, and i didnt understand baseball but still liked it as a kid, i just couldnt play lol.
  13. what the fuck how does one of the first things you think of when that happens be "lets parent trap these people lol"whyd they do that? soccer is one of the very few things im good at, so validating my ego while playing almost makes up for no gf.
  14. this girl who used to babysit me broke her ankle while playing when another girl tackled her, then fell on it with all her bodyweight. the same thing happened to her brother like 2 months after.
  15. it was just me some cousins and their friends. i havent played since november and am playing on joining my uni's team, so im still a little rusty, we lost 15-11.
  16. ive been playing since i was 3, and ive never gotten hurt oddly enough. everyone i know that also plays, which is like 80% of people i know have all gotten pretty fucked up. torn acls, broken ankles, hamstring tears etc. nobody really calls fouls so long as youre not intentionally trying to ruin someones lives, so flopping is kinda not used.
  17. did i miss anything
  18. is your manager hot atleast
  19. last year when i got home from cali i was in bed 4 days straight only getting up to brush my teeth and pee. i only ate like 3 times during this span
  20. DMC 5 + new viewtiful joe when?
  21. girugaMESH
  22. i didnt know he was being ordained too
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