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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. jess
  2. but it doesnt really only in some parts is the language more pronounced and people speak faster, but thats not really an accent like in argentina, columbia, or spain.
  3. accents but not mexico? wasn't mexico the biggest part they pillaged and tried to conquer?
  4. really rushes the blood
  5. really makes you think...
  7. just a name on a screen, but i knew their's and they knew mine, so idk that probably has some merit to it?
  8. the only place i kinda got to know some people on was steam. and that was only cause i played on the same server as them, and i don't really even remember how i started interacting with them but yeah, i too was doing nothing but be online/rotting my brain with chinese cartoons and playing video games for a good two years, so i lost what little friendships i had with irl people, and was a little anti-social during this time. these random online people kinda helped me realize that your world's not as self-contained as you think. idk how to really explain the feeling without sounding pretentious, but yeah.
  9. he was a musician wasn't he? i remember him still being active on nodebb
  10. the implications of implying you might be joking about being a mcdonald drumpf supporter have violated my N.A.P enemy snipers are honing in on your water supply as we speak.
  12. this reminds me of how bad i was at this/texting when i was younger. /neck
  13. emily is away is a game kinda about this, but patheticly so i cant bring myself to play again cause it reminds me too much of back then
  14. when i was like 15 i had a small group of people i talked to regularly on steam. which eventually turned into attention whore bullshit/people being upset about attention whore bullshit. there was this girl around my age who i talked to regularly and was as le epic memes/dumb as i was. i wonder what happened to her tbh. inb4 she was a guy.
  15. young male starts watching anime. graduates high school. attends college. HOMOSEXUALITY. many such cases!
  16. mochi[/member] do you think cristiano ronaldo is gay?
  17. fucking based togashi back to BTFO wan pissu again.
  18. waiting on that zeni review before i decide tbh
  19. realistically. take a creative writing class, learn french before the year is over, finally record something, and maybe get a introverted gf if im lucky enough. im also planning on learning how to play the piano, and the drums all before the summer is over. i don't have to be good at them, if i can get the basics of it, ill be good.
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