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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i haven't read them in a long time, but am glad that even when i did some few years afterwards they still held up well. especially the more serious tone of 4-7, which despite it being harry porter lended itself well to nuanced dialogue between characters.
  2. they were amazing. really tried hard to tell myself that it's hard to replicate the feeling of that kind of music live so i wouldn't be disappointed, but they did it effortlessly.
  3. i've seen them twice so far this year. they're at a festival near me next week too.
  4. im finally a trve hipster occvlt
  5. i don't think i remember that
  6. what does hornshire mean?
  7. larping cia and fbi threads are sometimes fun.
  8. my ill attempt at comedy failed. all you need to know about the_donald is that they somehow manage to make /pol/ worse since they started crossing over in mass.
  9. from what i know it was started on the donald or something. it's probably an extension of MRA's. it means Men Go Their Own Way, which i don't even get, but apparently they're a movement focused on not letting women define the lives of men. idk. i don't know what political party has the freshest memes. ancaps, centrists, libertarians, conservative pawnk rawk, or full blown stalin ideology.
  10. that one video where he shits on the kardashians is pretty funny.
  11. memes for undesirables
  12. the ultimate redpill in fight club is that MGTOW, am i right or am i far-right fellow /r/the_donald moderator
  13. what is the context of this even?
  14. can i call her anti-semitic if she declines
  15. the antioxidant superpower®? We grow, handpick, and whole-press our own sweet california pomegranates-six in every bottle.* 100% juice from six CALIFORNIA pomegranates*
  16. how do i convert her to my religion??
  17. you get $22 off from every check? what the fuck, i always get scammed out of atleast $40
  18. toonaminites can't handle it
  19. thanks
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