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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i get on whenever i'm too bored to do anything else. i should screencap interesting things i find
  2. where the fuck is miroku4656
  3. quebecelegy


    this sounds like a good name for my indie-pop album. thanks im gonna steal it now.
  5. he was convicted today for 3 out of the 5 charges he had. i doubt he'll serve more than a year if even that. but idk about how serious the charges were so who knows.
  6. i dropped my grenade somewhere sergeant
  7. courier in 85 degree weather
  8. [youtube autoplay=1]
  9. dunno, maybe go buy a new amp because i've been playing without one for months now. might go to bae garden alone for takeout
  10. also, i always remember him showing up in IB during the last few years whenever ravie would come back and throw off the thread or make it really awkward by trying to hit on her.
  11. what's sad about gaynor is that he's not here for ben and him to get into irreverent flame wars like they used to. that was always some entertaining shit. though i did feel for gaynor once because of that thread he posted in oa one time about asking a girl out to a madoka movie and she stood him up or something. he used to do a podcast too, i think he might still have it.
  12. yeah, im planning on doing a couple of temp jobs along with my current one before i quit.
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