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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. :it:
  2. :it:
  3. idk she was a bit of an airhead, but they never really knew her that well so probably.
  4. a cousin. i think a phone can be extremely helpful for situations like that, but a regular $20 phone does that already.
  5. idk how old fuggs' kid is. when i was 6 and my ride home from school was nowhere to be found a phone would've been really useful.
  6. can you still get data plans with an ipod? i think you can with an ipad
  7. i'll never understand parents getting their kids smartphones. a regular phone i can understand, but what use does a kid get out of a $500 phone that justifies spending that much. just get them a 3ds or something.
  8. it's not asmr when it makes you sleepy right? i think theres another word for it. i used to doze off to the stream, wake up 30 minutes later and doze off again. countless times.
  9. mochi's gay?
  10. are you arguing that millionares do more for the economy than joe plumber. why are you hating on joe plumber. he has kids, man.
  11. it still has videochat, but i don't use it cause i'd rather not see a dick every other time.
  12. i think there's a lot of merit to having conversations with people outside of the shackles of day to day life and other things. like. i would never want to be extroverted and have multiple irl people talking to me all day. but this is different somehow, idk im rambling.
  13. how sad is it that the most meaningful conversation i've had since literally the start of the year, has been with a stranger
  14. it's like a chat room, but not a room. more like you get matched with random people to talk to. and can add stuff like "music" as a tag/interest, so you can get matched with other people who added that
  15. how many 0's
  16. how many ellipsis is that
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