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Commander McBelch

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Everything posted by Commander McBelch

  1. Tell me how it all began there.
  2. Here's the finished product. Lost the white and went for an old time look.
  3. Sand paper. The antithesis of lube.
  4. You can count on a rapper to rap. You can only count on a cat to scat. Hi dee hi dee hi dee ho!
  5. Sand paper
  6. You're making an argument that doesn't hold water. None of it is how socialism works. If you love socialism so much, pack your stuff and move to North Korea. "Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability." That's from the blog you just posted. Is anyone in North Korea better off than even the most "destitute" people in America, besides the despots in charge there?
  7. How so? They're required for work. They started with a social service ideal and ended up as crucial identification material. They're not at all connected with what I think government should be doing with my tax dollars.
  8. Nobody was whipped at the border recently. The photo that reportedly shows a whipping is in fact merely a man pulling on reighnes to control his horse. Any report of a whipping is propaganda full of dirty lies.
  9. I go there for the steaks.
  10. I can lend you a bulldozer.
  11. I'm about to give away a genuine Vera Bradley leather mini bag.
  12. Maybe parts of an old lighting rod system. A Google Lens search indicates they may have been used as insulators on an electric fence.
  13. I guess that nobody wants an Imam named, Cat Stevens.
  14. Sony Dream Machine I just replaced the AC power supply with eight "C" size batteries.
  15. What is the difference?
  16. They merged. No change in merchandise between them.
  17. When the Hell did Hot Topic and Zumiez merge?
  18. I'm still waiting for a category five hurricane to hit Death Valley. .
  19. Unless a lifeguard and an EMT crew were standing around to supervise the photo shoot, the lawsuit should really have been about reckless endangerment.
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