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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. oh boo. i fell in love with that OP. been listening to it all week.
  2. did vegeta say I'll eat your whole race"?
  3. owo <3 owo <3 owo <3 owo
  4. All things considered, though, I find it humorous that, as a big fan, I'm following along with the series at four intervals simultaneously. 1. Watching the Toonami broadcast, which is finishing up the Thriller Bark arc 2. Buying the FUNimation DVD releases, which are now coming up on the timeskip 3. Watching the official simulcast, which is gearing up for the Germa 66 arc 4. And reading the scanlations, wherein the Germa 66 arc is nearing its climax
  5. it's just 4Kids' fault. If One Piece and Naruto had come out at the same time both with decent dubs here in the States, they could have tag-teamed to match DBZ's popularity and ushered in a new generation of anime fans together. on the other hand, I feel like FUNimation is doing everything they can to make up for One Piece's unfair start in America; I feel like, in that sense, had they gotten the series back when it wa first introduced, their dub of it would have been very good, but not quite as good as their current dub is now, since they're trying extra hard to do right by the franchise.
  6. i can't wait until Luffy gets to fight someone with a glue-glue fruit. so the attacks will bounce off straw hat and stick to his enemy. that'll be one hell of a speech
  7. weird that thriller bark is probably a wooden ship with a lot of natural earth piled up on the deck
  8. i don't mind the coup d'etat plot twist. i thought it was pretty interesting that the Uchiha clan were up to something shady. and honestly, I started suspecting it when Taka went to that cat-filled Uchiha weapons depot. why was it outside of the village, i wondered. but i thik Kishi could have included the coup d'etat without making Itachi a sympathetic martyr. just because someone kills an evil person doesn't mean that first person isn't also another kind of evil. i always figured Itachi was just looking out for Sasuke, giving him tough love to make him stronger and bullshitting with all that "hate me" stuff. but i still thought he was a villain. just a villain who happened to worry about his weak little brother. making him a pure-hearted hero really just pissed me off and, imo, ruined his character's appeal.
  9. "Not killing people is harder than I thought it'd be. Oh man, honest living is tough..." -- Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
  10. I'd say SEED was a prettier version of First Gundam at its core. at least for the first several episodes. Wing is more like 00 was.
  11. AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killua, I love you.
  12. The Gundam that aired on SyFy was Gundam 00. Gundam SEED aired on Toonami around 2003-2004-2005. I was just finishing high school back then.
  13. Zushi, I swear on my momma, you better beat this fool's ass.
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