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Everything posted by ben90210

  1. Toonami does try too hard. But I try too harder!
  2. Molesting children? Count me in! That's my favorite passtime! People are always saying, "Ben, you retarded sack of shit, get your hands off that child!" Of course, I never listen. Like, come on, let me have this one!
  3. Boku no Pico is my favorite!
  4. I lost count. How many does it take to become retarded?
  5. Hi I'm Ben. I like myself, bad anime, and unsuccessfully trying to make you feel unworthy of my creepy stalker affection. Looking for straight white men like myself. Serious inquiries only. $60/hhr $65/hr
  6. It's mine. :
  7. So much salt is bad for your diet, Ben.
  8. Durarara is the poor man's Baccano
  9. Only idiots watch Toonami.
  10. I put in the correct answer. More than a year. What do I win?
  11. Is it too late to vote?
  12. say what you will about that rat cavern, I'd still tap that shit
  13. I love you fuggs even if your a filthy cunt
  14. Yes, most anime is teh s uck. But one.... One anime..... Known as Fairy Tail..... Is teh extra s uck!
  15. I am Ben.
  16. you act like my dick is visible to the naked eye
  17. So, I canpostdick pics, right?
  18. Put your penis in me. I'll report you if you don't.
  19. Maybe you not posting your giant dick is what broke the boards. Hurry! There's still time to undo your mistake!
  20. It wasn't my fault! Blame Naraku! He wouldn't accept my advances! That's what killed the boards! Naraku not having gay sex with me killed the boards! Not me!
  21. Nah, this place is just trash.
  22. All this traffic of a whole 4 people is making the servers overload.
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