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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. He is certainly annoying but I like having a character like that to put all my anger on in a show haha their inevitable death scenes are always so satisfying too.
  2. I hate cliffhangers but that ending scene with Emma possibly being killed was really good. I did not see her in the preview for next week either
  3. "You hacked my eyes" line from GitS haha that scene where Emma took control of his optics made me think of that
  4. Absolutely. At least he seems intelligent. Just super sadistic and cringy haha
  5. So the midget is actually intelligent? Haha bit gay rapey though lmao
  6. Been watching the subs haha was always a fan of BE and just glad there is more!
  7. Dude, give it a rest. I am super happy that we are getting ANY Toonami into the night. It is better than reruns of Futurama or KotH. If you are not happy with it then take you own advice and not waste your time watching. We get it, Demarco can be a turd, but this is a welcome change and it is being done as a tribute to the dead creator..
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